A11 Changes

Started by Famous Shoes, June 20, 2015, 01:34:01 PM

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Famous Shoes

Sorry if I missed this somewhere else already. A list of changes I've had to apply to get A10 mods working in A11:


  • GenForbid is gone; ForbidUtility seems a drop in replacement, though as an extension, e.g., foo.SetForbidden(true, false).
  • Messages.Message now needs a second argument, a MessageSound, e.g., Messages.Message("Foo!", MessageSound.Silent)
  • PathMode seemingly renamed to PathEndMode
  • ThingContainer.ContentsListForReading seemingly renamed to .Contents
  • ThingContainerGiver is gone; there is now an IThingContainerGiver that adds the a required method #GetPosition
  • ThingFilter.DisallowAll seemingly renamed to .SetDisallowAll
  • TraverseParms.For(pawn. ...) has a different signature, now with TraverseMode argument (don't know what that does as yet.)
  • WorkGiverDef moved from Verse to RimWorld


  • ThingDef/graphicPath and ThingDef/graphicClass have been refactored into ThingDef/graphicData/texPath and ThingDef/graphicData/graphicClass respectively
  • ThingDef/graphicOverdraw is replaced by ThingDef/graphicData/drawSize (though we still have race/graphicOverdraw.) For example, <graphicData><drawSize>1,2</drawSize></...> - Thanks skullywag
  • ThingDef/itemSurface turned into /ThingDef/surfaceType, e.g., <surfaceType>Item</surfaceType>

If you call out the changes you've found, I'll update this list.


Overdraw is replaced with <drawsize> 2,2</drawsize> inside the graphicdata tag, obviously setting what you need.
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?