Rimworld editing namelist mod

Started by Mickey_renraw, October 28, 2015, 04:15:26 PM

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Hi guys I'm new here,
I was looking to get Rimworld and start a series of it on my YT channel but i have a question
is there anywhere i can easily change the list of possible names that can appear for colonist, raiders, traders, etc, so they would be comical in some way, celebrities, politicians and the like

Something along the lines of XCOMs name list being
you can just open up the text file and edit it.

Guys i get supporters who funded the project are in the name list, but the devs have an open mod policy right? and the game is so easy to mod is there no way to easily mod the name list so we can have npcs unique to our game and also be hilarious at the same time? Funding supporters can still obviously remain as the DEFAULT name list

Any ideas?


Hayoo! Tribal names are the only ones that can be changed with some ease
for other factions you need to "mod" the faction xml files to draw names in similar way as the tribals do

so you'd need some fiddling about!


all names generated from pawnNameMaker defined by faction, including non tribal ones.


so you're saying it'd be easier to to tell the game to make colonist names from another file instead of editing the colonist names directly?
Where can i find the file that tells the game where to find colonist names?
i can't do any testing i haven't got the game yet :(
thanks for the help :)


You need to find the faction defs at the "Core Mod"
look for the <pawnNameMaker> </pawnNameMaker> bit
whatever it reads between those two refers to the name maker
which you can find in the RulePackDefs, which is another folder in the Core mod

in there you need to figure out what all the stuff inside the 'RulePacks_NameMakers_People.xml' work (ask for more help if needed when you've gotten this far! ;D)

Anyhow, the rulepack xml generates names from txt files
those are located in the Core mod's Language files under 'English/Strings/Namebanks'

so basically what you need ro do
- is to have the other factions use Pawn name makers just like the Tribal one does
- then write a ton of possible names
- and make the rule pack to handle them
(it is actually very simple process once you get a bead on it! ;D)


ok brilliant Shinzy, thanks very much for all your help, when i make a slot on my channel I'll get the game and dive into that folder
Thanks again Shinzy