Is it possible?

Started by Caminha, June 14, 2015, 08:34:40 PM

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Okay, I'd like to ask some coding questions.

1, is it possible to code prosthetic weapons (i.e. Armblade)
2, If yes, is it possible to code a prosthetic weapon that's ranged (i.e Gunhand)
3, If yes, is it possible to code a prosthetic ranged weapon that's in a weird slot, i.e eye?


I don't know about 2 or 3, but there are already scyther blades in the game so number 1 seems entirely plausible.
Hi, my name is Matthias and I am a Rimworld Addict. It has been five seconds since my last fix...


Quote from: Matthiasagreen on June 14, 2015, 08:49:19 PM
I don't know about 2 or 3, but there are already scyther blades in the game so number 1 seems entirely plausible.

Well, the last two are the one that I really wanted to know.
Also I'm a amateur artist with a graphics tablet, is there a place where I can offer my service for modders?


Quote from: Necrodancer on June 14, 2015, 08:34:40 PM
Okay, I'd like to ask some coding questions.

1, is it possible to code prosthetic weapons (i.e. Armblade)
2, If yes, is it possible to code a prosthetic weapon that's ranged (i.e Gunhand)
3, If yes, is it possible to code a prosthetic ranged weapon that's in a weird slot, i.e eye?

Assuming you want to do XML:

#1 you can definitely do, #2 maybe, but you might need to do it with C# coding, and #3 I am 95% sure you'd need to program it. You could always try it for yourself, though! I went on to the RimWorld wiki and found the modding tutorial, started to follow it, then jumped into doing my own mod. It's really not as hard as you might think. The Mods/Core folder helps a lot, and you can also look at what other people did, just be sure to ask/credit them if you are copying their code.

Quote from: Necrodancer on June 14, 2015, 11:21:52 PM
Also I'm a amateur artist with a graphics tablet, is there a place where I can offer my service for modders?

Make a thread in General Discussion. I'm sure there are people who are less talented with graphics that wouldn't mind a more professional look, myself included. I'll wait on asking, though; I wanted to redo my graphics in one of the following weeks since the perspective is... nonexistent.
cuproPanda's Mods: Survivalist's Additions, Additional Joy Objects, Cupro's Drinks, Quarry, Cupro's Stones, Zen Garden, Cupro's Alloys, Preset Filtered Zones, & more!


Quote from: cuproPanda on June 14, 2015, 11:39:46 PM
Quote from: Necrodancer on June 14, 2015, 08:34:40 PM
Okay, I'd like to ask some coding questions.

1, is it possible to code prosthetic weapons (i.e. Armblade)
2, If yes, is it possible to code a prosthetic weapon that's ranged (i.e Gunhand)
3, If yes, is it possible to code a prosthetic ranged weapon that's in a weird slot, i.e eye?

Assuming you want to do XML:

#1 you can definitely do, #2 maybe, but you might need to do it with C# coding, and #3 I am 95% sure you'd need to program it. You could always try it for yourself, though! I went on to the RimWorld wiki and found the modding tutorial, started to follow it, then jumped into doing my own mod. It's really not as hard as you might think. The Mods/Core folder helps a lot, and you can also look at what other people did, just be sure to ask/credit them if you are copying their code.

Quote from: Necrodancer on June 14, 2015, 11:21:52 PM
Also I'm a amateur artist with a graphics tablet, is there a place where I can offer my service for modders?

Make a thread in General Discussion. I'm sure there are people who are less talented with graphics that wouldn't mind a more professional look, myself included. I'll wait on asking, though; I wanted to redo my graphics in one of the following weeks since the perspective is... nonexistent.

Well, I still don't have the game. I'm just asking about the game's modability because the prosthetic system I watched in some gameplay videos looked interesting . And I saw that the psd files of the art are available so I can probably help even if I can't play the game. ^^


I don't see any reason why laser-eyed cyborgs (or similar crazy stuff) couldn't be added, It's all up to finding a programmer (maybe you, I don't know) that could do it. Maybe send a PM to Ykara or post a comment here. So far, EPOE is the biggest mod in prosthetics.
cuproPanda's Mods: Survivalist's Additions, Additional Joy Objects, Cupro's Drinks, Quarry, Cupro's Stones, Zen Garden, Cupro's Alloys, Preset Filtered Zones, & more!


If you've gotten the game by now, take a look at the Syther Blade's coding, both in XML and in C#, should help. Also Laser Eyeballs are gonna have to be coded. But you might be able to create a variation of the Syther Blade/Power Claw without any coding.


New questions:

1. Add new "human races"?
2. Put those races in the random colonist selection?


1 is already in the game so yes.

2 and 3 are theoretically supported by the system because it just abstracts "verbs" from each equipment and prosthetic part carried by a pawn. However, I'd say there's a good chance it won't work because of some detail or assumption I put in the code. However, it would be pretty easy to try. E.g. First just try adding the scyther blade attack to the XML for the bionic eye. And then try ranged, and so on. Theoretically it shouldn't even need programming.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: Tynan on June 28, 2015, 08:48:20 PM
1 is already in the game so yes.

2 and 3 are theoretically supported by the system because it just abstracts "verbs" from each equipment and prosthetic part carried by a pawn. However, I'd say there's a good chance it won't work because of some detail or assumption I put in the code. However, it would be pretty easy to try. E.g. First just try adding the scyther blade attack to the XML for the bionic eye. And then try ranged, and so on. Theoretically it shouldn't even need programming.

Thank you for your answer, Lord Tynan :p

What about the two new questions I made?

Quote from: Caminha on June 28, 2015, 06:54:30 PM
New questions:

1. Add new "human races"?
2. Put those races in the random colonist selection?


To add new humanlike races you'd have to do a lot of work; lots of systems assume they're only human. Sorry.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: Tynan on June 28, 2015, 09:38:48 PM
To add new humanlike races you'd have to do a lot of work; lots of systems assume they're only human. Sorry.

You don't have to say "sorry", it's your game.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyway, thanks!