One big and few little things for upcoming Steam release

Started by Numar, July 01, 2015, 09:30:31 AM

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I'm leaving out all the thanks for this great game - it's a given - and (almost) come straight to the point:
Now with the upcoming release of Rimworld on Steam, it might be a good time for focusing on polishing Rimworld. Not only bugfixes, but mainly for the user experience. And not for mods, but for vanilla.

The big thing

  • User interface - I'll stay vague here. Not necessarily make things more beautiful, but more usable/smooth. Some points of the small things below may apply.

The small things

  • Copy and Paste for everything that have bills/recipes - I remodel my base over time and setting up new bills is a huge hassle which could be easily avoided
  • Moving / relocate option - as mentioned above, base layouts change. One of my biggest wish is the ability to move an already existing production table to a new place with all bills in place. Think of "abolish the stonecutter and build it up again over there".
  • Generic stone wall - I want to build a simple stone wall. I don't care what stone exactly it is build of. So I want that wall to be build of whatever stone is available.
  • Priority marker - Need a specific task to be done asap? Mark it with priority! Be it steel to haul because right now, you f... need some steel or you need that turret build up now to greet the upcoming raid accordingly. No need for sleep, dear colonists (althouhg I don't care if someone gets to sleep and another one is taking over instantly).
  • Shelves / Racks - ...which would allow bigger stacks? I'm looking at you kitchen with all the meat on the floor.


+1 for all of these, but especially the priority marker and shelves with deeper stacks.



I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student in university in New Zealand.

I like games, but unfortunately they don't help me get a degree.. so I'm going to be inactive for awhile.
- 22 July 2015