[W|0.254B] Colonists do not recognize schematics when standing on them

Started by JKTD1919, December 14, 2013, 09:07:42 AM

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Title: Colonists do not recognize schematics when standing on them.

Summary: When colonists are manually prioritized into constructing while on route to another job, they will build everything around them from the initial square based on proximity. However, if they were standing on a schematic, they will ignore that schematic and walk away or find another schematic to build nearby. This causes problems; I placed three solar panel schematics in a backwards L pattern, and  because my colonists were building meaningless things at the time, I prioritized two of them to build a solar panel; the ones on the edges of the L, to be exact. And, as usual, they never finish the panels in one go, so they would begin building the walls surrounding the east and south sides of the panels instead of building the central solar panel (ignoring it because they were standing on it), and I would have to prioritize them to build the panels again. I prioritized the furthest ones first, so when I tried to prioritize the middle one, the third colonist could not do it because the other two were standing on it. That colonist began finishing the walls. After removing him, one of the colonists had already finished the solar panels and finished the walls too; this left the third colonist stuck inside of the wall. I had to sell the wall, draft him, move him out, undraft him, and prioritize him to build the panel, THEN finish the wall. This resulted in a waste of metal. This has happened elsewhere as well.

When furnishing a room, I use a generic template for every room regardless of the walls (rock or not.) So I can be very quick when drawing up the schematics. Usually, I do this while the room is being mined out of rock. So typically, when I allow the colonist to do constructing tasks again, they are usually standing on top of a schematic. They will build everything in the room except what they originally stood on, then they will travel long distances to other construction projects without finishing the room; this usually leads to dysfunctional rooms (no bed, no light,  or no conduit)

I may or may not have a save demonstrating this, but it is easily replicated.

Steps to Reproduce:
Solar Panel Entrapment is going to be difficult to replicate, so I'm going to omit it.
1. Draw schematics while a colonist is in the area you are drawing. Make sure all colonists are not allowed to construct at the moment you begin drawing. It is probably a good idea to pause the game.
2. Draw schematics in a far away area.
3. Change the priorities of the colonist so they are only allowed to construct, then unpause the game.
4. Observe. Do not mess with the colonist in any way.

Expected Results:
I expected the colonists to finish the solar panels, then build the walls.
I expected the colonists to finish the rooms before heading off to do other tasks.

Actual Results:
The colonists trapped themselves in a solar array.
The colonists did not finish the rooms before heading off to do other tasks.
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