Animal spawn on biomes

Started by Shinzy, August 08, 2015, 05:09:26 PM

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Back in Alpha 5ish you could have the biome a specific animal spawns on (Jungle, Desert, etc)
with a tag in the animal def <wildSpawn> or something like this

but since then, in A11 this seems to be moved to be handled by the Biome def
and the wild spawn tag doesn't work anymore (to my own little knowledge)
which causes all the animal mods to be incompatible with eachother
as they all have to edit the BiomeDef, instead of just having the animal's preferred biome be stated in the animal's own def

So briefly I'm suggesting for the "wildSpawn" thing to be brought back
for the sake of mod compatibility
cause animals are really big thing in the upcoming alpha and I'm sure there's going to be (is influx the right word?) of animal mods with it =P

Extra briefly:
Animal spawn on specific biome handled in animal def, not biome def

I hope this makes sense! that is something I have in short supply
thank you, good night!