[Solved] Possibility of Changing Nickname now Character is Accepted

Started by Bashkire, January 08, 2014, 07:55:57 PM

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Hello all!

Well, as the title implies, I bought the Pirate King kickstarter tier and have submitted a character for possible inclusion into the game. I decided to go back and quickly change a field on my sheet (specifically, I want to remove my character's nickname. Bashkire "Bash" Leystrat just doesn't have a good ring to it, in my opinion) and noticed that it had been approved (hooray!) and as such I can no longer edit any fields (boo (understandable, though)!).

Can a content editor (I believe I spoke to Joshua over e-mail) or maybe the God-King Tynan possible facilitate this for me?

TL;DR: Can I please get the nickname of my character (Bashkire "Bash" Leystrat) removed?


And... it's done, even though I would have liked to be called God-King :(
