Mods make my rimworld run slower?

Started by LustrousWolf, September 08, 2015, 01:22:48 PM

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I have a lot of mods installed, and this has made rimworld go down from 60 fps to 30 fps. Is this the reason why rimworld is lagging having lots of mods? Or is there something wrong with my pc?

CB elite

Its very possible that the amount of content you have installed is slowing down your game. If something is wrong with your computer, you should notice a slowed performance on all of your games, applications, etc.


Yeah I think it is the amount of mods that I have :/ Is there anyway to make rimworld run faster? or know when it will get optimized?


It depends. Perhaps a better laptop/ PC makes a difference. If you have a huge map and +20 pawns it can be slower, and even worse with a raid.

It really can have a lot of causes actually.


If it's really bad, enable developer mode and check if you get any errors. Error messages slow down the game a lot.


I have quite a nice computer that I'm playing RimWorld on and with ~70 mods I will slow down the more I scroll out. Having a bunch of mods definitely affects your frame rate and will make the game slower in general.


Also note the RimWorld is not a multi-threaded game engine (aside from a couple "helper threads") so it really depends on individual core performance.  Having more than 2 cores won't help a whole lot as the main game thread will run on one and the "helper threads" will run on the others.  Since those threads do very little, a second core is all that is needed to keep them up to speed with the main game thread.

The more you add, the more you take way.
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There are 10 kinds of people in this world - those that understand binary and those that don't.

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Personally, I've been having an issue where my game freezes for several seconds every 10 seconds or so.  Every time it freezes, the console has one of several error messages: 

We harvest a Plantwithseeds
WorkTypeDef Fishing not handled
Pre Faction ally check
Sorry mate... something was null. ally

This has only happened in A12d, and I can't figure out why the game hangs every time a message happens.


Quote from: murlocdummy on October 14, 2015, 09:50:53 PM
Personally, I've been having an issue where my game freezes for several seconds every 10 seconds or so.  Every time it freezes, the console has one of several error messages: 

We harvest a Plantwithseeds
WorkTypeDef Fishing not handled
Pre Faction ally check
Sorry mate... something was null. ally

This has only happened in A12d, and I can't figure out why the game hangs every time a message happens.
"Pre Faction ally check
Sorry mate... something was null. ally"

Ya running UOM?
Is it from biodiversity?

Geuse what, it probably is UOM & from biodiversity. Why you ask... cuase I'm the guy who updated biodiversity for UOM!

Knowing its probably mah mod (Or atleat my updated dll) I'll tell ya 1 thing:
-Its no error, it was something I used for debugging. The fact it pops up meens the mod is running fin.

What ya should do is run a game without biodiversity running. If theirs no lag, tell me and I'll make ya your own special copy without the warnings. :)


Quote from: TheGentlmen (GENT) on October 15, 2015, 12:22:25 AM

"Pre Faction ally check
Sorry mate... something was null. ally"

Ya running UOM?
Is it from biodiversity?

Geuse what, it probably is UOM & from biodiversity. Why you ask... cuase I'm the guy who updated biodiversity for UOM!

Knowing its probably mah mod (Or atleat my updated dll) I'll tell ya 1 thing:
-Its no error, it was something I used for debugging. The fact it pops up meens the mod is running fin.

What ya should do is run a game without biodiversity running. If theirs no lag, tell me and I'll make ya your own special copy without the warnings. :)

Thanks for the offer  :D, and thanks for making the mod and compiling the modpack, but I'm really only interested in finding out what's happening, and possibly why.  :-\

Attempting to remove Biodiversity causes the game to unload the EDB Modloader mod and gives the error message

Recovered from incompatible or corrupted mod errors

I'm going to continue to try different things and see if I can get it to work.

Edit:  I've tried to open up a vanilla game and run it, but it keeps telling me that the vanilla world I've generated won't allow some factions to spawn.

Causing the critical failure that resulted in disabling all of the mods appears to have fixed the vanilla game, allowing it to run properly on a vanilla map.  And it seems that the modpack won't run without Biodiversity.  I wish I knew more about how the game runs so that I could help you with the coding, but I failed to get even the basics down with fixing some of the issues with Ultimate Overhaul Modpack for A11.  It worked for a while, but after a certain amount of time into the game, the file became too corrupted to play.

I don't even know the first thing about how to decompile, read, edit and recompile a .dll file, unfortunately.  :'(


1) There is no "errors" in game, there are "exceptions".
2) Exception handling is slow routine, under normal conditions your game should never throw any type of exceptions at postinit stages, it's up to developer to resolve all possible codeflow routes in advance.

3) In addition to exceptions, it's possible to have suboptimal code that invoked each frame, ever single blocking method invocation in single place will slowdown entire game severely, since new frame wont happen before prev frame finished all invocations.

4) Multiple threads does not make game "multy threaded", only "sharing" main calculations over multiple threads does.
Under normal conditions sharing calculations is exceptionally complex, if two or more threads handle pawn movement and there is no sync flow, game may end in situation, when thread A have Pawn P in 0-0 and thread B have Pawn P in 1-0.


I still haven't figured out how to get it to stop the brief pause every handful of seconds.  My only conclusion is that I have to give up on trying to figure it out.  Maybe I'll have better luck with the release in a few months.


One of the mods you are using is poorly coded and it's doing period ticking events on all it's buildings at the same time instead of staggering them.  That is the basic underlying cause of most lag spikes.
(2*b)||!(2*b) - That is the question.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world - those that understand binary and those that don't.

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Quote from: murlocdummy on October 15, 2015, 01:41:32 AM
Quote from: murlocdummy on October 17, 2015, 10:39:32 PM

I could try compiling a custom version if you wish.

Quote from: 1000101 on October 18, 2015, 12:09:01 PM
One of the mods you are using is poorly coded and it's doing period ticking events on all it's buildings at the same time instead of staggering them.  That is the basic underlying cause of most lag spikes.

I'd say its probably my version of the biodiversity dll, and sadly I can't stagger the AI.


Quote from: TheGentlmen (GENT) on October 18, 2015, 12:42:48 PM

I'd say its probably my version of the biodiversity dll, and sadly I can't stagger the AI.

I figured that that was it, but I don't know enough about coding to do anything about it.  I don't even know how Biodiversity is connected with the other mods, much less figure out how to disable it without destroying the rest of the game.

Does it have something to do with the Faction ally check checking every single building object on the map for faction mismatch?  If so, disabling that function would allow the rest of the game to function, even if the mod itself becomes wonky.