Animal Trainers Hoarding Food

Started by praguepride, September 24, 2015, 08:53:32 PM

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I've noticed my animal trainers seem to hoarde food. For training dogs they will take very large stacks (20+) of meat and walk around for days with that in their pockets. In addition I'm guessing there is some kind of "minimum" amount of food in a stack an animal trainer must have to train because over time they accumulate a lot of 1 and 2 stacks of different kinds of meat. Because of the variety, I had an animal trainer walking around with 50! pieces of meat (one large stack of 20 and then about 5-10 little stacks of 1-2 pieces each).

I have 2 wargs and 1 retriever. My other animal trainer was in the same position with stacks upon stacks of meat just sitting in his pockets...


This will be fixed in the next release. Thanks.