[A14] Ghillie/Sniper Mod Pack

Started by troedl, November 24, 2015, 04:04:18 PM

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Are the weapons balanced?

too weak
1 (10%)
just perfect
7 (70%)
too strong
2 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 10


okay i will change that! Thanks!

I changed the damage to a much lower value.
I added a GhillieSniperRifle, I hope you like it. I added it to the OutfittersWorkbench Mod. Its also as a standalone  .rar File in the dropbox Folder.
I also uploaded all new files to dropbox and nexusmods.

Justas love

Will check it out later, thank you man!!! You're a very awesome moder, I will edit this post when i have the details
Edit: I will PM you and help you with this mod, I'm not a moder, but i want to see your mod get popularity



Will this ever see an update to A13? I've always thoroughly enjoyed it.


Yes, I will update it for sure. I wanted to wait until Rimworld comes to Steam on 15.07.2016 and then make a version to put it in the Steam Workshop.
I haven't had the time playing the last month so I haven't had the time to update the mod either, but I will update it as soon as I can when Rimwold launches on Steam. For the people who don't buy it on steam or don't get a gamekey, I think I will update it as well and make it downloadable as it is now.

Thanks for your kind words!


I have updated the mod to alpha 14 now.
You can get it in the steam workshop and from the dropbox link. :)


Great mod just seem to be problem that you cant store ghillie in stockpiles or anything in game that i can find so far its not listed in storage tab hopefully you fix this soon. Fixed Thx and keep up good work  :)


Oh you are right!
I didn't notice it so I will fix this the next days and keep this thread updated!


I fixed the bug now, you can download the new version where you can store ghillie stuff now. :)


Just wanted to pop in and report a bug... wait, no, you fixed it 5 minutes ago.  8)

Anyway, thank you for a nice extra faction. There are a decent number floating around here, but not that many of them are error free and well balanced. Thanks!



Updated the mod so there are traders now! :)


Ok, now that I ha.e some free time... bug report. On mod load:

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.SoundDef named Food_Drop found to give to Verse.ThingDef Netting (using undefined sound instead)
Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.SoundDef named Fabric_Drop found to give to Verse.ThingDef Netting (using undefined sound instead)

Looks like it's referencing two sounds that don't exist. Looks like you might want Standard_Drop or Grain_Drop instead?


okay thanks! I will fix that in the next upload I do!


Hey troedl! Your mod still has Parent def bases in it, that if you delete it would stop yellow errors in any mod that has plants in it..

Your Plants_Cultivated.xml :

  <ThingDef Name="PlantBase" Abstract="True">

  <ThingDef ParentName="PlantBase" Name="TreeBase" Abstract="True">
    <description>A tree.</description>
        <volume>(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)</volume>

is not needed and will cause minor errors to all the other plants and modded plants due to that its out of date and can just be removed as of a13. In alahpa 14 the plants have a base file so you don't need to add this parent to all the plant def files any more.

Just looking out.