Siege Bug - Landing +AI

Started by Sens, January 24, 2016, 09:07:48 PM

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This happened for the 2nd time now since i walled myself on 3 of 4 map sides almost up to the map end line, pics incl:

They landed inside my territory and got into closed areas (closed doors / walls) with their team split in half by another inner wall, then they didnt do anything, i came up close and shot at them and no response, when i tried and got into melee range they meleed me back, but never used their guns + when i went away after melee test they didnt follow and didnt use guns afterwards either, they just stood there next to the door and didnt bash it. You can see on screenshots that alot time passed till i shot them down to the point where they break down, get "blue" and abandon siege, when that happened they bashed doors to escape. They never went into assault colony stance + they never set up plans for their camp.

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If you build across the entire map, then yes sieges will land and then often be unable to reach their chosen siege location to start building.

In this case they will try to leave the map. But again you stopped that by building an outer wall across the entire map.

Currently the AI is weak in that it will not fight back while it walks to the siege point. As it cannot do that or leave the map, it just stands there.

Not really a code bug. And theres an easy solution: don't wall in the entire map or play on a larger map.


Well here is next part of my report :)

Played a while longer and next siege lands inside my walls also. Again their team got seperated by a wall, again they didnt do anything, this time i decided to run to the doors seperating them and "hold them open" so they have path to each other. As soon as i made a path by holding doors open, they started shooting at me and setup plans for their camp right there where they landed. (pics incl.)

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Quote from: Britnoth on January 24, 2016, 11:05:45 PM
If you build across the entire map, then yes sieges will land and then often be unable to reach their chosen siege location to start building.

In this case they will try to leave the map. But again you stopped that by building an outer wall across the entire map.

Currently the AI is weak in that it will not fight back while it walks to the siege point. As it cannot do that or leave the map, it just stands there.

Not really a code bug. And theres an easy solution: don't wall in the entire map or play on a larger map.

I dont want to be rude but..., this is directed at people programming Rimworld to make it better. :D


Have you not noticed that the developer is ignoring the bugs forum, for 5 months now. He presently does not care about what bugs we find.


Quote from: Sens on January 24, 2016, 11:55:59 PM
I dont want to be rude but..., this is directed at people programming Rimworld to make it better. :D

Yes. You are being rude.  :P

This is a bugs forum. I pointed out this isn't really a bug, just a weakness in the AI.

Even though this should be in the suggestions forum, I replied explaining why the siege raid was behaving as it did.

I understand 'this is directed at people programming Rimworld to make it better.'. This is the reason I posted a reply.

I've added a simple addition to my AI mod which hopefully, should at least have raiders defend themselves when such things as this happen. Ideally sieges would not try to land in the middle of your walls and then fail to react to the new situation, but it is at least a start?

Or just return to dismissing someone for trying to explain what was wrong whom also tries to address the issues you are unhappy with. Solely because I enjoy the game and want to see it improved. Entirely upto you.  :-X


I dont think anything in this forum is being ignored, i think its being checked daily, just not discussed openly.
Which i understand why, been reading this forum for a month or so now and see there are some people who just dont understand where their line actually is. Maybe i am one of those people too, maybe i just a have a bad day, maybe im just tired because i actually play the game more than stalk the forum, who knows, maybe i do both, maybe i just havent smoked in a couple of days, maybe i have, maybe we are all one or maybe there is ego seperating us. Who knows? Maybe noone does, maybe someone does? Maybe im talking to myself, maybe i am talking to you, maybe im talking to him, maybe im talking to anyone who is just reading this maybe i am not, well in anyway - maybe its time to shut up.  ;D


Quote from: Sens on January 25, 2016, 06:23:43 PM
I dont think anything in this forum is being ignored, i think its being checked daily, just not discussed openly.


Thanks for all the bug reports and suggestions.


No problem, sorry for the rest or messy stuff at times, or not well thought through posts, but i often write something at 5am or  7am or even 11am, after sleeping just 4h or 3h / day, several days in row, then i see how someone makes 3 assumptions+ in one post and doesnt even realize it and i blow up, because too much is too much. Love the game, hope the final release will get you guys where you want to be in the future, good luck, if i find more i will report more. :)

P.S. and i dont mean TLHeart, he is just angry in my opinion, for whatever reason that is. :)


Without open discussion, we the community have no knowledge that anyone is even reading or doing anything about all the bugs that have been reported since Tynan took his hiatus. 


@Sens do you have any logfile from when it happened? I would like to see if there were any errors.

//edit: nevermind, I know why this happens


Interesting bug, thank you for reporting.

I'm moving it to Mantis.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog