What are the best animals for what reasons?

Started by Vaperius, April 16, 2016, 01:10:14 PM

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I am a fan of muffalo: give fiber, milk, meat and hides.

I keep one female permanently, for breeding, and tame a male whenever I want stock.


Quote from: Boston on April 18, 2016, 07:53:32 PM
I am a fan of muffalo: give fiber, milk, meat and hides.

I keep one female permanently, for breeding, and tame a male whenever I want stock.

err, you're not raising anything if you have a single female lol


Quote from: Vaperius on April 18, 2016, 01:58:59 PM
Quote from: ReZpawner on April 17, 2016, 08:33:26 PM
Muffalo if you're playing on icesheet at VERY cold temperatures. Their wool offers (on a normal parka) -120C resistance, which should cover pretty much all cold-problems.

My icesheet can get down to -122 o.o

Hmmm. Best put on a toque if you're heading outside then. (I was going to argue that the colonists have a minimum comfortable temperature as well, but that didn't go in my favour. In fact, they require 12.0C to not moan about 'the cold', whatever that is. As a Norwegian I have absolutely no idea what that thing could be - Canadians, back me up here.)


Quote from: Vaperius on April 18, 2016, 01:58:59 PM
My icesheet can get down to -122 o.o

Can i have the map seed please, i understand it can go to that lvl during a volcanic winter that i had on a -95C map, but it doesnt go beyond -105 otherwise


Are capybaras good for anything besides being adorable? I have yet to try them out.


Quote from: ReZpawner on April 18, 2016, 08:46:11 PM
Quote from: Vaperius on April 18, 2016, 01:58:59 PM
Quote from: ReZpawner on April 17, 2016, 08:33:26 PM
Muffalo if you're playing on icesheet at VERY cold temperatures. Their wool offers (on a normal parka) -120C resistance, which should cover pretty much all cold-problems.

My icesheet can get down to -122 o.o

Hmmm. Best put on a toque if you're heading outside then. (I was going to argue that the colonists have a minimum comfortable temperature as well, but that didn't go in my favour. In fact, they require 12.0C to not moan about 'the cold', whatever that is. As a Norwegian I have absolutely no idea what that thing could be - Canadians, back me up here.)

I'm not sure what they're going on about either, my Norwegian friend. I even stuck my head out of the igloo and asked one of the neighbourhood polar bears if he felt 'cold', but he just looked at me like I was an idiot.


Quote from: Mathenaut on April 18, 2016, 03:46:39 PM
If you can manage the hay consumption, having a group of 4-6 muffalo is good. Wool and Milk provide a steady income and food source over time, especially on ice sheets. (Milk also raises mood)

If temps are moderate, alpaca wool has the highest market value.

Huskies are great for hauling, and they spawn 2+ per litter which is a good few bucks if you want to sell them off.

The thing with chickens is that you need to set an X ammount for what you can manage easily. Kill the rest for meat.

Good advice. I agree, although I never train my dogs for hauling anymore. I was scarred for life by an event involving a charge lance and my favorite puppy.


Quote from: ChimpX on April 19, 2016, 09:29:37 AM
Quote from: ReZpawner on April 18, 2016, 08:46:11 PM
Quote from: Vaperius on April 18, 2016, 01:58:59 PM
Quote from: ReZpawner on April 17, 2016, 08:33:26 PM
Muffalo if you're playing on icesheet at VERY cold temperatures. Their wool offers (on a normal parka) -120C resistance, which should cover pretty much all cold-problems.

My icesheet can get down to -122 o.o

Hmmm. Best put on a toque if you're heading outside then. (I was going to argue that the colonists have a minimum comfortable temperature as well, but that didn't go in my favour. In fact, they require 12.0C to not moan about 'the cold', whatever that is. As a Norwegian I have absolutely no idea what that thing could be - Canadians, back me up here.)

I'm not sure what they're going on about either, my Norwegian friend. I even stuck my head out of the igloo and asked one of the neighbourhood polar bears if he felt 'cold', but he just looked at me like I was an idiot.

Made my day! x'D


Reviving the thread instead of making another.

How good are pigs & dromedaries?
Looking at the wiki, pigs & boars look pretty good.
.35-.4 hunger, omnivores, and they're capable of advanced training (hauler-helpers)
Pigs breed faster & have higher yields for meat/skin, while boars move faster & are slightly more durable.
If you don't mind wearing pigskin, pigs might be a decent source of that as well.
How large of a herd would you need in order to consistently have pork on the menu?

As for dromedaries, they're as hungry as cows (.95), can be milked/sheared, and are both more combat-effective & higher-yield than their bovine brethren. Not to mention: they live twice as long.

Are eggs as beneficial as milk? Moreso?
Chickens seem like they could be really useful, if you can keep up with their food requirements.


i purchased two flatscreen TVs (1k each) and other goods last time a trader who would buy chickens showed up, i had a couple hundred and made 4k silver total i believe in currency and trade.

at the same time i only kept one hen and one rooster and i wouldn't be surprised if they took over a second time, but they do help feed the three cougars at that point.


Quote from: Mathenaut on April 18, 2016, 03:46:39 PM
Huskies are great for hauling, and they spawn 2+ per litter which is a good few bucks if you want to sell them off.
For me all mammals spawn only 1. Tested with Husky, Alpaca, Dromedary.

Chickens work good as long as no raid picks on them, no toxic fallout kicks on, no boomas die off, no lightning hits close without rain or close to end of it - or you manage these threats. An enclosed area with no floors can do the trick. It can always be fun to do a slaughter house ^_^ and oh joy if you happen to get a frag grenade...


I tried bears in alpha13. If you position them properly, one or two is good for taking out pirates, especially supporting a melee colonist. "Release" training is worth it. There are some mining tunnels next to my base sappers are very fond of, and each time they go there I seal the entrance with a bear and a gladius fighter. Bears have high HP organs, so if your medic is good enough to prevent infections they very rarely get scars. Usually on eyes, which barely affects melee combat.

Bears like to hunt, you just need to send a colonist to haul the carcass.


do thrumbos produce milk and fur when tamed in vanilla? i can't seem to recall..


Cougar. My brawler got 4 cougar pet that hunt and fight whit him. Deadly as hell :D.
Im making my own mod !!!! Also im pretty sure that i started World Wars 3.....

Also if i spawn too many subject then dont mind me, i'm just bored at school :D. Damn 3 hours long video's....


Quote from: ReZpawner on April 18, 2016, 08:46:11 PM

Hmmm. Best put on a toque if you're heading outside then. (I was going to argue that the colonists have a minimum comfortable temperature as well, but that didn't go in my favour. In fact, they require 12.0C to not moan about 'the cold', whatever that is. As a Norwegian I have absolutely no idea what that thing could be - Canadians, back me up here.)

Canadian here concurring.  Cold tolerant trait, best trait.  I am out on the bike at below freezing temps.  Am fine!

Worgs are my favorite.  Highly trainable and deadly in a fight.  Can feed them with corpses of my enemies.  Can feed my llamas as well with them as kibble, but then I get the butchered human debuff...
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Altair XIII
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