Social events are a thing now, but the most important one is still to come-

Started by panggul_mas, April 16, 2016, 11:55:42 PM

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Nothing stands out in Rimworld more than the death of one of your favorite colonists. Friends, lovers, leaders, when they die, it hurts. What better use for scripted social events than a funeral?



+1. It would definitely add more to the game, maybe there could even be a mood buff for it .

"Attended Funeral"

I found solace in a friend's death



It might need some tweaking, though. Wouldn't want to have a large raid and then have your entire colony slowed down due to holding a dozen funerals for all the dead raiders. XD

Perhaps scale the size of the funeral, and chance of one being wanted, by how long the pawn has been a part of the colony? This would reflect the effect on surviving pawns. Someone who has been in the colony for a long time probably has made connections, friends and even a lover (or more?). This would raise the chance that a funeral would be held for them when they die, and the scale of the funeral and its effect on the rest of the colony.

Someone who has only been there for a few days or a season likely may not have made many connections with the rest of the colonists, so others may not be in a huge hurry to hold a big event over their death. They may simply hold a small burying ceremony that lasts very briefly and doesn't really affect anyone too greatly.

Additionally, I'd like to suggest that perhaps colonists could be cremated, as well. Perhaps during the funeral event, a dice roll determines "this person wanted to be cremated" or something. If they have loved ones, perhaps they could have an ash sprinkling ceremony, instead of a burial. Or colonists could craft urns from stone, steel or silver so that loved ones can keep the ashes of their lost friends and so forth.

A Friend

Quote from: Silvador on April 17, 2016, 12:56:49 AM
Perhaps scale the size of the funeral, and chance of one being wanted, by how long the pawn has been a part of the colony? This would reflect the effect on surviving pawns. Someone who has been in the colony for a long time probably has made connections, friends and even a lover (or more?). This would raise the chance that a funeral would be held for them when they die, and the scale of the funeral and its effect on the rest of the colony.

Someone who has only been there for a few days or a season likely may not have made many connections with the rest of the colonists, so others may not be in a huge hurry to hold a big event over their death. They may simply hold a small burying ceremony that lasts very briefly and doesn't really affect anyone too greatly.

The length that they stay to mourn should be connected to how high their relation pts was with the pawn. To get that dramatic "everyone else left except this girl who was very close to him" type of scene.

Eitherway, +1 for funerals.
"For you, the day Randy graced your colony with a game-ending raid was the most memorable part of your game. But for Cassandra, it was Tuesday"

Squiggly lines you call drawings aka "My Deviantart page"


I like the idea,  but instead of a mood buff (or included with) have the mood penalty be removed and replaced with "friend died,  had closure"  or something. This way it still has impact  ,  but having closure makes the death more manageable than incineration of the body and going on like it never happened. I could also see it as a source for fights,  an enemy of the dead person talking trash,  and a friend snapping and starting a fight during.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


On that note, perhaps friends of the deceased might get an extra debuff if they weren't buried or were cremated w/o service, receiving a "No Funeral" negative impact. Caskets - Especially well-made ones - Could provide a greater and greater positive mood, and Caskets & Graves would prevent a negative impact even if the bodies are dug up and burned later (Though a more temporary "Friend's Grave Defiled" debuff might apply?)

Still, +1 for this, definitely.


If those things are added,  i hope ceremonial funeral pyres are added. I honestly hate using graves for every death,  and i burn most people unless i find them dear..  In a 2 year colony I've buried 3 people, and 6 people died in that time.. 
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


And for the psychopaths, lets just have a feast where the dead colonist is made into tasty steaks so he can live on INSIDE his comrades forever.  ::)


Quote from: panggul_mas on April 16, 2016, 11:55:42 PM

Nothing stands out in Rimworld more than the death of one of your favorite colonists. Friends, lovers, leaders, when they die, it hurts. What better use for scripted social events than a funeral?


I renamed one of my colonists "Corpse bearer" because he was constantly having to haul corpses (no spare dirt to bury them on the ice sheet). People died just entering the map on a good day, and winters were brutal for anyone without shelter, a heat source and a parka. It averages -100F on my ice sheet colony. I am mostly just playing it to see how ludicrous the body pile-up can get so I've cheated mood bonuses (no items), and occasionally zapped some raids that get sent that are way out of my league.

Anyway point of the matter is that if this was added you'd have a lot dying from colonists freezing their asses off mourning a dead friend or family member on the extreme end of the cold biomes at least.
I remain Vigilant.


Quote from: Aarkreinsil on April 17, 2016, 05:35:04 AM
And for the psychopaths, lets just have a feast where the dead colonist is made into tasty steaks so he can live on INSIDE his comrades forever.  ::)

This makes me think of Dune, where they take the water from the body of the dead and share it among the survivors.


Quote from: Vaperius on April 17, 2016, 05:56:41 AM

I renamed one of my colonists "Corpse bearer" because he was constantly having to haul corpses (no spare dirt to bury them on the ice sheet). People died just entering the map on a good day, and winters were brutal for anyone without shelter, a heat source and a parka. It averages -100F on my ice sheet colony. I am mostly just playing it to see how ludicrous the body pile-up can get so I've cheated mood bonuses (no items), and occasionally zapped some raids that get sent that are way out of my league.

Anyway point of the matter is that if this was added you'd have a lot dying from colonists freezing their asses off mourning a dead friend or family member on the extreme end of the cold biomes at least.

This is a good point. Not every death calls for a funeral. I liked Silvador's suggestions up above, where there is a xx% chance of "pawn A wants to have a funeral for recently deceased pawn B", just like engagements and parties that give you some time to prepare and set the locale, etc.

This xx% chance of funeral trigger could be based on numerous factors, like:

-deceased needs to have been a colonist
-deceased needs to have been recently buried
-deceased needs to have more than xx% affinity with one or more living colonists
-deceased needs to have been a member of the colony for xx% of its entire duration

I just had another death. Man, losing a colonist you really love is the #1 "thing" that happens in Rimworld.


I bury colonists in sarcophagi, visitors/ defenders who dies defending my colony get buried and everyone else gets burned (or turned into soylent green).
"So weird looking, like a twisted hulk of man and machine both scary and... well scary i mean it would look like a crab with limbs on limbs."

Yay i have a mod now ''''; It adds mercs


I have even buried the relatives of my colonists. I also bury any bonded pets in their own separate room. Raiders even get tossed in the ground. I'm going for a moral play through, but man my colony is POOR! Even after 4 years. No royal beds, scraping by for steel, fuel wood is a constant issue etc. There is a lot of money to be made in this game by being a psycho.

I like the idea of a funeral being held for my recently interred colonists. Make it a thing!
It is regular practice to install peg legs and dentures on anyone you don't like around here. Think about that.


My god, a tribal I recently converted had to watch as we killed her mother and sister on their next attack. The colony wouldn't even let her bury them within the walls; she had to find a secluded place in the woods to bury them herself, then carved two awful wood statues to memorialize them. Then, when she is feeling like visiting a grave, she always goes to where somebody elses pet pig Reginald is buried instead of her own family members.

I know this is a different issue than funerals, but it would definitely be compelling if pawns choose what grave to visit based on their relations with the deceased.

- chance to visit grave as joy activity: [however it is currently calculated vs other joy activities]
- choice of which grave to visit: [check distance, and relationships with the deceased] "visiting mother's grave" "visiting husband's grave"
- add chance to get a special buff/debuff upon visiting a friend/relative/enemy's grave: eg. "you killed my father, prepare to die!" or "spits on grave of enemy" or "saying farewell"

something like that

Captain Sho