
Started by Xav, April 24, 2016, 09:49:11 AM

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Here is the scenario:

W = wall
D = danger
C = colonist
N = new wall construction


DDD           N     C


This particular scenario took place during a hive outbreak.  The D's are the big bugs in a hallway.  To the right of the bugs, and the new wall construction site, I prepared a colonist with stone blocks to build a stone wall.  All goes well as the colonist supplies the materials (from the 'right' side of the new wall), but the problem begins once he starts constructing the new wall.  The colonist moves from the 'right' side of the construction to the 'left' side and begins constructing the wall.  This would lock him in with the bugs after he is complete...NOT what I expect.  I expect the colonist to construct the wall from the closest, 'right' side of the construction.

I even cancelled the construction a few times and re-tried the effort from the 'right' side multiple times and received the same result; the colonist always crossed over to the 'left' side to complete the construction.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but it does seem methodically wonky enough to me to be 'something isn't quite right'.



I've noticed several cases similar to this. I think the basic issue is that in A12d (and all previous versions I played) a constructor could work on a building job, and add resources to that job from any touching edge, and would prefer in most (all?) cases the edge that was closest (quickest). But in A13 it seems that Pawns now have preferred locations for build jobs, with south being their location of choice (it seems).

For example.

P= Pawn
S= Stockpile (with building resources)
w= Wall section waiting to be built (no resources added yet)




(the stockpile is directly adjacent to the middle wall section)

In A12d, the Pawn would go to the stockpile and immediately add the resources to the 3 wall sections without moving an then proceed to construct the walls without moving. But in A13, the Pawn adds the resources to the centre wall section, before running around the other side of the wall to add resources to the other two sections. This is just one example of how the construction behaviour has changed in A13 (Personally I hope it is a bug and not an intended change, since it is a significant change for the worse IMO (if it is intentional)).


There was a bug where pawns wouldn't choose the closest cell. Fixed, thanks for reporting!