Thank you Tynan

Started by Justas love, April 26, 2016, 05:19:49 PM

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Justas love

Tynan I can't thank you enough for this alpha, it was the best because i could mess around with 2 gay prisoners, power armor crafting and so on. I felt way too many emotions from this playthrough and I can't express them all.
Love you tynan


I felt that way when art was introduced (A10?).

First piece of art (probably awful quality): A pair of empty pants riding a muffalo or some nonsense. Smiling head of whatever watches over all and all that.

Me: "It's... it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." *proudly displays it in the dining room*


Definitely some fun relationship stories on my end with A13.


I have straight only colonies


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Thankies too.  I got this game a fair while ago.  Not sure what alpha.  9?  Anyways, at the time I got base vanilla.  To this day I keep liking it more and more.

The decision to go for story and immersion building over just tactical and pure 'fun' has meant a lot.
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