The Barren Deserts of Zonarak-Part 1

Started by nathan16861, June 06, 2016, 03:34:36 PM

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Hey I'm creating a story there will be at least 10 posts of it and I'm going to do 2 posts a day.
So let's get started!

Chapter 1, The Crash:

You're flying peacefully along in space with your friend, John. You say to him, "Hey, John, how much fuel do we have?" He looks at the meter and gasps, "Were almost out of fuel. We only have 1 gallon which will get us about 4 miles!" You reply, "That means that we won't reach Rorak in time because it's 24 miles away!" As you and John panic the ship loses fuel. John looks at the meter again and yells, "We only have half a gallon left!" You yell back, "That's only enough for 2 miles!" As you and John watch the meter it goes from 1 quarter of a gallon to 0 gallons. You and John both scream at the same time, "We're going to die!" As the ship starts to come down at an astounding rate of 467 miles per hour you notice that you're landing on a desert planet in the middle of a sandstorm. You say to John, "We're on a desert planet in the middle of a sandstorm!" You both know you're going to have to jump out. You and John both say at the same time, "On three."
You both say at the same time,

You both open the cockpit windows and jump out. You can fell the barren desert sand on your face from the sandstorm. It hurts. When you land it surprisingly doesn't hurt. You say to John, "It's soft sand!" John yells back, "I think I broke one of my toes!" You rush over to his voice. You look at John's toe. It's definitely broken. You say to John in a comforting way, "John if we can find the ship we have 2 wooden replicas of each body part." John points to smoke off in the horizon about 10 miles away. You say, "Let's go."

That is the end of chapter one. The next chapter will be poster in about 2-3 hours. Hope you liked chapter 1!