[RimWorld] Insects / Arachnids (Expansion) Suggestion! [Must_Read]

Started by LukeJR, August 11, 2016, 07:58:17 PM

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Hello, I'm new to the Forums, but after purchasing RimWorld, I cannot hold back on this any longer: Suggestions.
Sorry, although RimWorld has so much going for it already, I can't tell you how much I feel needs to be implemented.
Early Access, granted, but I haven't seen any updates or news for this game since July.

Here are some of my crazy suggestions that might not be so crazy after-all:

[1] Insects (Alien Insects) - Arachnids, Giant Spiders, Giant Ants, Ants- Bugs.
I've thought this through, and do you know what really inspired this suggestion? Rimworld, the features like 'dragging corpses' away, 'capturing corpses' - making wounded work for  you.
I thought what if instead of just random animals that serve no other purpose except for being hunted, tamed, and for also causing fear for the player.
Why Ants? - Simple, ants love to dig into soil, they might also love to dig into rock, limestone, and other minerals. This allows AI Ants to exist.
How would it work? Spawning in later in the game (not early) a Queen Ant serves as the leader, she's the holder of this mountain. Deep inside she awaits (home to food)
The Ants (Workers) go out of the mountain seeking food, they can even come across your territory, and might even attempt stealing from you.
This already allows more than just your basic AI, it also allows Thieves to exist. I bet this was already planned for Rimworld, but I doubt Ants were planned for Rimworld.
These alien bugs don't just serve a purpose, but they are also a real threat to the player. Forcing the player to choose between (killing the Queen Ant) or leaving it to grow an empire.
The longer you leave it, the more dangerous these ants become.
Weather effects such as 'Rain, Snow' could make the AI change its strategy. Forced to move out of the mountain due to temperature / flooding - this makes the Ants an easier target.
The Queen Ant could also die within this time ratio, and then the ants could also die due to low food. This really makes Rimworld burst with more life than just humans vs animals vs humans.

[2] Arachnids - This suggestion comes from Rimworld itself, it's an idea that grew more and more with every day that went by in the game.
Spiders love darkness, and seeking shelter would be wise for these spiders. Instead of just one species of spider, we could have ones such as: Trapdoors,
Tarantulas, and possibly even the Sheet-Web Spider, why? Because these spiders build nests (silk caverns)
Alien spiders could live inside mountains- openings (such as generated caverns) - a silky entrance with whatever comes by- being trapped.
The spiderlings (baby spiders) could then come out if a human or animal is entangled in its silky entrance (web) - dragging away the animal / human
off the radar. When they go back into the cavern- the player can no longer see that area if its unexplored.
This doesn't just add a threat to the game, but it borrows from the 'dragging corpses' thing all together.
With these features already in place, how could you say No to this?
The Alien Spiders could also be more active in the night like 'real spiders' - as they go out hunting (around them)
dragging back any corpses / animals / humans they have hunted back to the nest. This works like the Ants.
Difference is that the player could come across (clothing, weapons) - all sorts of items due to these fallen AI's who have been captured by spiders.
The same way dying works in this game, if the wounds aren't dealt with.

- Paralyzed (forcing the player to drag back the human who has been bitten) - 50% chance of occurring?
The longer the player leaves their comrade in the silky cavern- the less likely it is for the chance of survival.
This will differ over days, if the character is cocooned, covered in a silky cocoon. Then 'Suffocation' begins.
(Day Limit) If the time has passed, the spider AI detects this and will rather (A) Eat the corpse to stay alive.
Or (B) Drag the corpse out of the cavern- leaving it at the entrance (messy eaters) - spiders are known to be messy.
Not only does this make finding corpses creepy, but you could come across a skeleton or two-
the luck comes from whether they were carrying anything. If you stay around too long near the entrance / skeletons-
The spiders will come for you.

Arachnids could also spread from those crashed pods. Maybe they are from a different planet? c:

- What do you think of this crazy idea? -

I truly feel like Rimworld is the only game that can pull this off with it going to great effect, and serving a strong purpose overall.


When you put a [must read] tag on a thread, my reaction is to see if you're a moderator or developer, and when it turns out you're not, to dismiss your ideas as Probably Stupid with just a cursory glance. Who are you to claim your thread is higher priority than anybody else's?



Making simple meals out of chocolate since 2568!


Quote from: Pax_Empyrean on August 12, 2016, 04:42:29 AM
When you put a [must read] tag on a thread, my reaction is to see if you're a moderator or developer, and when it turns out you're not, to dismiss your ideas as Probably Stupid with just a cursory glance. Who are you to claim your thread is higher priority than anybody else's?

First of all, I did not use it for 'click bait' - and I can claim that my thread is a Must Read if I so wish to. Also, this doesn't stop anyone else from doing it. Second of all, I'm not even going to argue with you, I'm just going to agree to disagree, accept what you've said.
Why? Because I'm actually not going to start an argument with you over something as stupid as this. Good day to you, sir ;)

Quote from: Prowler on August 12, 2016, 02:39:03 PM
You understand this is already in the game right?

Are you sure? :/


I actually entered just to write, toss off you and your must_read

Didn't read, needless to say.


Quote from: Lightzy on August 12, 2016, 10:48:00 PM
I actually entered just to write, toss off you and your must_read

Didn't read, needless to say.

OML, this is just stupid now. It says [Must_Read] just gtf over it, it's shameless of you and many others to call me out on this.
It's two works that don't mean anything other than 'please check this out' / 'must read' - it's just a tag, get over it.
If you are just going to keep commenting off-topic, talking about a little mistake that you think is HUGE, get over yourselves.
You are not high & mighty, neither am I, we are just part of this community. I would be kind to you all, but this is not the warm welcome I was expecting. Just toxic users attacking me because I've apparently made a 'mistake' - No. It's staying, get over it.



Quote from: LukeJR on August 15, 2016, 01:52:28 PM
Okay. I'm really starting to see a pattern here x)

Maybe because someone other than and admin or a moderator has written something in the title that we must read something. Who are you to claim that we need to read this? Especially seeing as you suggest something that already exists within the game and it's the very first thing you do on the forum.



I happen to have actually read the post and i love the idea this was what i thought the insects hive event was going to be I honestly was a bit disappointed with the current one being just a 'punishment' for mountain players.

However the 'aliens' part has got to go if your hoping for starship troopers as aliens are non - canon.
"So weird looking, like a twisted hulk of man and machine both scary and... well scary i mean it would look like a crab with limbs on limbs."

Yay i have a mod now ''https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=20513.0''; It adds mercs


'please check this out' and 'must read' are not one and the same.

You seem desperate for atention, a trait that many fine off-putting.


The topic of discussion here is the suggestion of adding insects/arachnids.  Ignore anything else that may irritate, and use the Report to moderator button if needed.

RimWorld currently has only the megascarabs and the burrowing bugs.  More variety is a good idea IMO, and I really like the idea of bugs dragging off corpses or incap'd pawns (colonists, raiders, animals...) to their nests.


Quote from: milon on August 17, 2016, 08:46:35 AM
The topic of discussion here is the suggestion of adding insects/arachnids.  Ignore anything else that may irritate, and use the Report to moderator button if needed.

RimWorld currently has only the megascarabs and the burrowing bugs.  More variety is a good idea IMO, and I really like the idea of bugs dragging off corpses or incap'd pawns (colonists, raiders, animals...) to their nests.

Thank you, Moderator. I'll be honest with you, I didn't know what to do after receiving so much backlash. [Must-Read] was just a tag, and I didn't know that it was against the rules (if it even is). I tried my best to showcase my suggestion, I wanted it to receive fair amounts of criticism. By adding the [Must-Read] tag, I didn't think anyone would actually attack me with hatred. It's just two words, why would it matter if I put that on this thread or any other thread? In other words; I feel like they were just being way too cynical, and the ongoing hatred for this doesn't seem to stop there. However, I really appreciate your response as it's the only response out of many that has made me rethink my actions. Not only did you actually read my suggestion, but you also shared your POV on it. Thank you, Moderator.

And thank you to all those who didn't just attack me. I know it was fewer than many, but you've still made an impact. Thank you everyone! C: