Fishing in deep water

Started by twoski, August 14, 2016, 12:55:44 PM

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It would be cool if you could tell pawns to fish in deep waters.

Their chance to catch fish would be related to their animal handling skills as well as the size of the body of water.


My name is Milori, and I endorse this message


Sorry guys, this is actually in the frequently made requests list thingy.


Idk it seems like a good idea. As long as the frequency of catching fish is kept at a fair level it would make sense


And the yield of a catch, should be at least between a hare and a boar.


depending on the biome you'd have different fish. Up north you'd have freshwater fish like walleye, perch, bass which yield a bit less meat but you can catch them in larger quantity, whereas in coastal regions or down south more you get bigger fish.



Definitely needs to be a thing.


Look, there is a thread stickied to the top of this forum with [url]frequently suggested ideas[/url]. Guess which idea is in there, yup fishing is in there. It's been brought up so often that it's mentioned in a thread which start with the following paragraph:
QuoteOk, there are a lot of repeat topics on here that show up from time to time.  They get discussed to death and finish.  Then someone else comes along and suggests it again.  Not that they are bad ideas, just that we dont need new discussions on them.  Searching for threads can be tedious if you dont use the same wording as someone else and doesnt always work.  Also some dont bother in the first place.

If you have a suggestion check that list, it's not all compassing, but it does show the biggest offenders of ideas that keep forming new threads cluttering the garden like weeds. If your suggestion is in that list, don't bring it up again, it's not that it's a bad idea, it's just that it's already been discussed so many times that it is very unlikely a new thread will bring something new to the table. Making new threads on them also drives people away from the suggestions page, because nothing says waste of time more than a front page full of nerco'd, old or revived ideas.


This could probably be modded, as a building that can only be built on deep water tiles.

Quote from: Gizogin on March 16, 2012, 11:59:01 PM
I think I've been sigged more times as a result of my comments in this thread than I have in most of my other activity on these forums. 


Quote from: Reviire on August 15, 2016, 04:32:52 AM
This could probably be modded, as a building that can only be built on deep water tiles. Prepare to have your mind shattered, it has already been modded. ;)