Random Suggestions from a livestream chat

Started by LDShadowLord, October 14, 2013, 05:15:45 PM

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Starting off, we have.
Biomass Burners (Power Production)
Put in food, bodies or anything else combustable and get a small amoutn of energy back from it. Good for underground colonies with hydroponics!
uses no power but is quite costly

Grinders (Scrap production)
Put in weapons or debris/rubble and gain a small amount of scrap back from it
Uses a large amount of power and is relatively costly

Switches (Wiring)
cut off sections of your power system with switches. No need to individually turn off hundreds of items.
Uses: No power (Mechanical!) and is cheap

Wireless Walls (Building)
A standard wall but without wire already inside it (unconductive)
Uses: No power and is the cost of a wire subtracted from the cost of a wall (If plausible)

Reinforced Sandbags (Building)
Standard sandbags but with strong steel rebar inside of them. Units are much slower going through them and they are difficult to destroy.
Uses: No power and is 1.5 times the price of a standard sandbag

Barbed Wire (Building)
Units find it very difficult to cross this but it is very easy to destroy.
Uses: No power and is quite cheap

Incinerator (Utility?)
Toss useless bodies, weapons and other combustibles in here to be burnt to a crisp. Produces nothing of value. Designed as a way to rid you of useless items.
Uses: Some power and is cheap

Removal of the "Cramped Environment" Emotion (Which is really broken) It appears to constantly trigger whenever anyone has someone anywhere. It just hampers peoples spirit's

Feel free to post amendments and ideas of your own!



This can probably fit into either of those topics:
Suggestion and Discussion Megathread
Your cheapest ideas (don't be afraid, there's nothing derogatory in this thread :P