Is the surgery success stat really true?

Started by Freakycrafter, August 27, 2016, 04:14:18 PM

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(First of all sorry if this belongs to the support forum and not here.)
So I'm playing with some mods that add more bionics, meaning i have a doctor that has a higher manipulation/sight and thus a higher surgery success stat, which is even above 100%.
The thing now is that if i try to harvest organs from prisoners or do any other type of surgery my doctor still has a chance to fail somehow, can someone explain this to me?
p.s. i even checked if the doc had an illness or similar which would lower the success chance again, but he failed while the stat was over 100%.


The surgery success rate is for the doctor, other factors come into play as well such as room cleanliness, being in a medical bed, lighting, etc. Operating on someone in a regular bed or on the floor, in bad lighting, when the doctor is in a bad mood, etc. will negatively impact surgery success rates.


You should probably you Medicine when you do important surgeries(if you have glitterworld medicine use it incase surgery is really important(i.e. installing bionics)), medicine affects the outcome of surgeries aswell, if you use herbal medicine you chances decrease by 30%, medicine keeps it as it is and if you use Glitterworld medicine it increases success chance by 30 or 60%? You can see that if you press the information button for medicine.


Yeah, herbal medicine is not a good choice for surgeries on colonists due to the high failure rate.  But it is a good choice for surgeries on pirates because all the extra injuries you create are just more opportunities for medical experience :)
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Quote from: Shurp on August 28, 2016, 08:42:33 AM
Yeah, herbal medicine is not a good choice for surgeries on colonists due to the high failure rate.  But it is a good choice for surgeries on pirates because all the extra injuries you create are just more opportunities for medical experience :)
Wich means, the stat that is shows is the base surgery success stat, and base stats can be modified further.