[1.3] Rimatomics | Rimefeller

Started by Dubwise, August 28, 2016, 06:51:41 PM

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Quote from: Nanobytez on September 04, 2017, 06:59:57 PM
Is there a benefit to using all 3?

nope just pick what best suits your situation, the water cooling station and cooling tower have the same capacity, just water cooling is smaller and cheaper if you happen to have water nearby, and the radiator can cool a few kilowatts if you want to just get up and running quickly with a small setup on low fuel or flux levels.

In other news i'm attempting to rewrite the research system so that it doesn't use research defs anymore, meaning it wont clutter up the tree in researchPal anymore, because my steam comments section has turned into the "why is researchPal broken" section. It will more than likely break saves but there is a small chance it might still load.


ResearchPal is broken with other mods as well, if you want to get out of your way to keep everyone happy, it is your call.
I use organized research tab instead, it doesn't look as pretty, but is way better than the clusterfuck of the base game.


mmm well i get a lot of confusion over the dummy research anyway so it would be nice to keep it all clean, already half done



I got 12 waste -132 plutonium and -132 uranium pellet after using plutonium processor...


wow ok i'll look into that, use debug tools to delete the stack and then add them again for now



I also notice than nuclear warhead have 2 box without image, 15m and arm. I click on arm and my nuclear warhead disapear.

Btw, this is an amazing mod with a lot of work and a really nice finishing touch, very high quality mod. I love all your mod.


thank you very much, those 2 buttons on warheads were just for debug, i changed the way the detonation happens since then but i could fix it and put a graphic there so you can blow yourself up.


I cant find the Rimatomics research bench? where should one look to find it?


Quote from: EpicGunBlast on September 05, 2017, 12:13:44 PM
I cant find the Rimatomics research bench? where should one look to find it?

build a comms console and wait


I can't research the first step of the railgun research.
I need a level 12 intellectual. I have two of them with level above 12. And both have researching on number 1 priority. But no one wants to go to the bench and do their job.
The previous prjects worked fine... I don't know, why they won't do it this time...
I'm using the latest version (1.0.4).


Quote from: Jan2607 on September 05, 2017, 06:18:35 PM
I can't research the first step of the railgun research.
I need a level 12 intellectual. I have two of them with level above 12. And both have researching on number 1 priority. But no one wants to go to the bench and do their job.
The previous prjects worked fine... I don't know, why they won't do it this time...

I'll check it out now, but make sure the weapons research bench, the one with the laser beams, is connected to the research bench and powered


Oh, yep, the weapons research bench was connected to my other research bench - which is researching Plutonium Processing at the moment.
Seems the error was on my side :D
Thank you :)

Another question: My reactor core generates a bit radiation sometimes. The detector sets off for a few seconds, then it's okay again. Should I worry? Does it indicate that there is a leak?


Quote from: Jan2607 on September 05, 2017, 06:51:50 PM
Oh, yep, the weapons research bench was connected to my other research bench - which is researching Plutonium Processing at the moment.
Seems the error was on my side :D
Thank you :)

Another question: My reactor core generates a bit radiation sometimes. The detector sets off for a few seconds, then it's okay again. Should I worry? Does it indicate that there is a leak?

ah good, and yes if you see a chasing green led indicator on the core or the console that means its currently leaking some radiation, you can see the exact amount on the reactor console or using a detector, its nothing to worry about at first, just make sure your reactor is in a containment room with locked doors so your pets and visitors don't wander past it.

Radiation leakage indicates that you either have the core running at high power, or that its integrity has been reduced by overheating it, if the strength of the leak increases and you start to notice steam venting from the reactor then its a good idea to scram and allow an engineer to repair the damage once its cold, indicated by the large blue status light, you cant see the exact value of the integrity, you have to judge it by looking at radiation levels and physical signs like steam venting, im doing tweaks to the radiation leak so that it continues even while the core is offline because at the moment its based somewhat on flux level.

Hope that helps


hi dubwise56

just wanted to say, thank you so much for making this mod,, your work is greatly apriciated.
.. but now you have giving me a hard choise,,, stop the A16 playthrough i am doing now, ( ben playing this world for 4 months now) or start a new game with a17 so i can play with your mod :)

argh,,, the world is cruel :)
