[A15] a pawn was a kid of 2 brothers

Started by brianfred, September 03, 2016, 02:18:40 PM

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1.What the circumstances were.: just started my new colony and a visitor came
2.What happened.: A visitor came and it was a kid of 2 people in my colony which were brothers
3.What you expected to happen.: That 2 brothers couldn't get a kid
4.Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine. I think it is purely luck (make a starting colony with 2 brother and hope for the visitor event to be the son)
5.savegame: Included
6.Log File: None created


save game isnt included (forgot it) and for some reason when I attach something with my message it bugs out and removes the message for me atleast
(if u know a other way to share the savefile got no dropbox orsomething please tell me)


You can upload a copy of your savegame to something like Google Drive, as well.
Otherwise, are you sure the saved game is small enough to upload here?
(Less than 600kb.)

If it is larger, use a compression program to zip the file, then try to upload it here again.
(If, for some reason, you have no compression program with your operating system, WinRAR or 7Zip are free alternatives.)


Thx for the tip.
didn't see the 600kb max on here

[attachment deleted by admin - too old]


No problem.
I hope you are enjoying RimWorld.  :D


You have:
Red Rocco, age 34 biological, 109 chronological
Devin Rocco, age 49 (53)
Jonah Rocco, age 54 (73)

Devin and Jonah are brothers. Red is their father.

It may have happened something like this.
Red really likes cryptosleep caskets, and has been passing decades in them before meeting his wife.
Red and his wife make kids, Devin and Jonah.
Red enters cryptosleep again in his thirties. What a great father he is.
Devin and Jonah enter cryptosleep.
All wake up.
You have a father, who is younger than his sons.
His wife, the mother of Devin and Jonah, may have already died of old age.
Or if she also is a sleeper, she may be younger than her sons also.

Colonists may spend thousands of years in cryptosleep.
If the backgrounds get fleshed out more, we may someday get colonists that are great-great-great etc grandmothers of half the planet.


oh wait red rocco is the father? thought he was the son nvm then and sorry for wasting time


@ brianfred - It looks like Ark's well explained answer has solved this issue for you. So I'll lock this thread now as a non-bug/resolved. Thank you for taking the time to report a bug all the same (Even if this one turned out to be false, the next one might be a real bug).

@ Ark+nccvoyager - Many thanks for providing assistance to the OP. And an extra nod to Ark for taking the time to provide a very detailed answer. The help is much appreciated.