[A15] Hive generated inside ancient ruins; spawned glowpods delete cryo caskets

Started by someonesneaky, September 05, 2016, 06:33:46 AM

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  • What the circumstances were. -- A couple of insect hives were generated inside the Ancient Danger ruins on map creation. The hives were inactive until I broke through the wall; then they started doing their usual thing.

  • What happened. -- As I was getting ready to go in and pop open the caskets, the hive adjacent to one of the cryptosleep casket spawned a glowpod in the space occupied by the casket. The casket was deleted, replaced by the glowpod.

  • What you expected to happen. -- I figured the hive would have checked to see if the nearby spaces were occupied by other objects?

  • Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine. -- Have a hive next to a cryptosleep casket. Turn on devmode and select the hive. Hit the 'spawn glowpod' button until one pops the casket into nonexistence. (I did reload and do this, just to see if it was a fluke. It wasn't.)


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