The great infestation

Started by redindy, September 13, 2016, 05:00:23 PM

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I had made a settlement with 5 people and had set up base on the far west of a mountainous map. on the opposite side was one of those hidden rooms. I sent one of my colonists to break down a wall and found that inside it were 5 crypods and a couple hives. I didn't have the fire power to destroy them and they were enclosed in a valley so I left them there for a very long time. occasionally they would mine a roof collapse and kill one of them or butcher a group of raiders. one raider shot a pod and a war broke out with the infestation bugs winning but not before someone shot an incendiary bolt and caught all the hives on fire. most of the bugs survived but all the hives were destroyed.  after about 2 seasons I notices that they had just eaten through the entire mountain and were free. I still didn't have any good weapons so I just thought if I held out till winter they would starve, or freeze to death. once they had eaten all the animals on the map and exhausted their food they started coming to my farms. I had set them in front of my main entrance to the base and had a couple turrets. soon they started to charge at the crops and try to eat them and I would have the turrets and some of me people shoot them as they did. they were so hungry they didn't even try to attack just eat the crops. after about 5 days all the bugs had been shot to death and their were corpses every wear. took a long time to clean them up but in the end got a shit ton of meat.
I was about to make a joke about sodium, but Na