2 OP(!!) Ways to get infinite money and goods

Started by Miker, September 27, 2016, 03:26:32 AM

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Devilstrand takes too long and is too vulnerable to fire, weather, etc.

Best way is STILL selling human meat and leather, but only if you can handle the negative mood from butchering humans.


doing massive garden solves it, you just plant them once no need to take care of them.
The weather is not a problem at all.
Humans is insanely bad way compare to this and generally.
After your first wave of devilstand you got that infinte money its proven.


Quote from: Miker on September 27, 2016, 03:43:15 AM
doing massive garden solves it, you just plant them once no need to take care of them.
The weather is not a problem at all.
Humans is insanely bad way compare to this and generally.
After your first wave of devilstand you got that infinte money its proven.
Poison ship: bye bye devilstrand
Flash storm:  bye bye devilstrand
Fire mortar: bye bye devilstrand
Cold winter: bye bye devilstrand
Blight: bye bye devilstrand
Raiders setting crops on fire: bye bye devilstrand

Need I go on? Devilstrand has been useless since A12 at least. And don't even get me started on trying to grow them in hydroponics xDDDDD


Quote from: zandadoum on September 27, 2016, 03:52:14 AM
Quote from: Miker on September 27, 2016, 03:43:15 AM
doing massive garden solves it, you just plant them once no need to take care of them.
The weather is not a problem at all.
Humans is insanely bad way compare to this and generally.
After your first wave of devilstand you got that infinte money its proven.
Poison ship: bye bye devilstrand
Flash storm:  bye bye devilstrand
Fire mortar: bye bye devilstrand
Cold winter: bye bye devilstrand
Blight: bye bye devilstrand
Raiders setting crops on fire: bye bye devilstrand

Need I go on? Devilstrand has been useless since A12 at least. And don't even get me started on trying to grow them in hydroponics xDDDDD

Poison ship does nothing, Flash storm and mortal fire easy to handle,
Cold - just do it in medium level warm places & at the winter they dont die they just stop, once again if the speed of grouth is problem just increase the size of the garden its not gonna slow you down anyhow (its not extra work if u do a bit math - kinda hard to explain)
Blight does nothing to devistard.
Raiders setting crops on fire - i surroud my huge garden with double wall - not a big deal they never attack it also the wall is for animals cus they eat the devilstrad and again it easly fixed
And u cant do devistrad with hydroponics
As i already said its proven i got f2cking 200k silver now and i continue to buy anything


Never saw devilstrand to fully mature, it's always a cold snap or winter or gazillion other factors that wipe entire plantation. Stopped bothering with it as it's not worth my time and effort invested.


Quote from: Blastoderm on September 27, 2016, 05:35:53 AM
Never saw devilstrand to fully mature, it's always a cold snap or winter or gazillion other factors that wipe entire plantation. Stopped bothering with it as it's not worth my time and effort invested.

All explained above.


@ Miker - It might help the discussion if you:-

1 - Said which storyteller and difficulty level you are playing on, as that influences the frequency and severity of events, which in turn has a direct bearing on how viable sowing huge devilstrand zones is, or isn't.
2 - Said which biome you are playing on, again for pretty much the same reasons as above.
3 - Elaborated on the type of scale you are referring to when you say "massive garden". Does this mean a 10x10 growing zone, or 50x50 , or 100x100, or ?? More detail always helps avoid confusion and allows people to be on the same page when having a discussion.
4 - Confirmed whether or not you are using any mods.

And finally, you said in the OP that if others try your idea then they are welcome to send you pictures (of their colony). Well why not start with posting pictures (screenshots) of your colony and how you have setup your devilstrand growing zones? If you have found a way to make mass devilstrand farming work reliably, then I'm sure others would be interested in seeing how you did it.


Quote from: Calahan on September 27, 2016, 06:16:18 AM
@ Miker - It might help the discussion if you:-

1 - Said which storyteller and difficulty level you are playing on, as that influences the frequency and severity of events, which in turn has a direct bearing on how viable sowing huge devilstrand zones is, or isn't.
2 - Said which biome you are playing on, again for pretty much the same reasons as above.
3 - Elaborated on the type of scale you are referring to when you say "massive garden". Does this mean a 10x10 growing zone, or 50x50 , or 100x100, or ?? More detail always helps avoid confusion and allows people to be on the same page when having a discussion.
4 - Confirmed whether or not you are using any mods.

And finally, you said in the OP that if others try your idea then they are welcome to send you pictures (of their colony). Well why not start with posting pictures (screenshots) of your colony and how you have setup your devilstrand growing zones? If you have found a way to make mass devilstrand farming work reliably, then I'm sure others would be interested in seeing how you did it.

lol u think i owe you b1tches something? you can go and continue being medium lvl player till u die i dont care, concentrate on saying thanks and and giving something in return first mother f2cker. help to people like u will not be given.

EDIT BY ItchyFlea: User was warned for this post. Rules 1 & 2.


Quote from: Miker on September 27, 2016, 06:35:51 AM
Quote from: Calahan on September 27, 2016, 06:16:18 AM
@ Miker - It might help the discussion if you:-

1 - Said which storyteller and difficulty level you are playing on, as that influences the frequency and severity of events, which in turn has a direct bearing on how viable sowing huge devilstrand zones is, or isn't.
2 - Said which biome you are playing on, again for pretty much the same reasons as above.
3 - Elaborated on the type of scale you are referring to when you say "massive garden". Does this mean a 10x10 growing zone, or 50x50 , or 100x100, or ?? More detail always helps avoid confusion and allows people to be on the same page when having a discussion.
4 - Confirmed whether or not you are using any mods.

And finally, you said in the OP that if others try your idea then they are welcome to send you pictures (of their colony). Well why not start with posting pictures (screenshots) of your colony and how you have setup your devilstrand growing zones? If you have found a way to make mass devilstrand farming work reliably, then I'm sure others would be interested in seeing how you did it.

lol u think i owe you b1tches something? you can go and continue being medium lvl player till u die i dont care, concentrate on saying thanks and and giving something in return first mother f2cker. help to people like u will not be given anymore.

EDIT BY ItchyFlea: User was warned for this post. Rules 1 & 2.

Thank you for fulfilling my intelligence quota for humor for the day.

1. A trick that's been known of since before A15 even left the unstable branch, old news.

2. Devilstrand Armchairs aren't even close to the best thing to sell, because:
It takes 100 of a material to make an armchair and you get 3 devilstrand from a fully grown devilstrand plant, which equates to 33.3 spaces (or a ~5x6.6 area) for a single armchair.
It takes around 3/4ths of a RimWorld year (45 days) for Devilstrand to grow, assuming 100% fertility and proper temperature the entire time.
Even assuming that a level 20 constructor on average makes enough Legendary and Masterwork Armchairs (which they won't) that the average price of all sold Devilstrand Armchairs ends up being that of a Masterwork one at 1300 silver...

That works out to be a profit of 28.888... silver per day per 33.3 spaces used.

However, that's assuming a majority of your armchairs are legendary or masterwork -- so halve that, and you end up with a more accurate value of 14.444... silver per day per 33.3 spaces used.

Compared to... oh, let's just pick rice. They take 5 days to grow, give 5 rice per plant, and go for 0.4 silver a piece. So in a 5x6 plot at 100% fertility, you get 165 rice, which turns into 66 silver every 5 days, or 13.2 silver per day per 33.3 spaces used.

Add to that fact that Rice can actually be grown in Hydroponics to take advantage of its huge growth speed bonus due to fertility, and it effectively doubles the amount to 26.4 silver per day per spaces used. Plus it can be turned into simple meals for a slight price-per-rice increase.

I obviously haven't gone into labor, amount of traders who will buy them, maintenance, etc for determining how viable they are to each other. Plus my calculations are all rough. But, Devilstrand Armchairs are a far cry from being even remotely 'overpowered.'


I have to say some of you have an obsolete experience in regards to devilstrand as A15 made it a bit easier to grow devilstrand including that some events such as blights no longer affects it. I've had most of my garden patches reach full maturity in A15...

However, saying that there's no risk is naive. And like FMK points out, it's not that profitable. I personally only use devilstrand for the clothes of my favorite/admin/leader pawns in lack of a dye feature.


Quote from: FMK on September 27, 2016, 09:45:46 AM
Quote from: Miker on September 27, 2016, 06:35:51 AM
Quote from: Calahan on September 27, 2016, 06:16:18 AM
@ Miker - It might help the discussion if you:-

1 - Said which storyteller and difficulty level you are playing on, as that influences the frequency and severity of events, which in turn has a direct bearing on how viable sowing huge devilstrand zones is, or isn't.
2 - Said which biome you are playing on, again for pretty much the same reasons as above.
3 - Elaborated on the type of scale you are referring to when you say "massive garden". Does this mean a 10x10 growing zone, or 50x50 , or 100x100, or ?? More detail always helps avoid confusion and allows people to be on the same page when having a discussion.
4 - Confirmed whether or not you are using any mods.

And finally, you said in the OP that if others try your idea then they are welcome to send you pictures (of their colony). Well why not start with posting pictures (screenshots) of your colony and how you have setup your devilstrand growing zones? If you have found a way to make mass devilstrand farming work reliably, then I'm sure others would be interested in seeing how you did it.

lol u think i owe you b1tches something? you can go and continue being medium lvl player till u die i dont care, concentrate on saying thanks and and giving something in return first mother f2cker. help to people like u will not be given anymore.

EDIT BY ItchyFlea: User was warned for this post. Rules 1 & 2.

Thank you for fulfilling my intelligence quota for humor for the day.

1. A trick that's been known of since before A15 even left the unstable branch, old news.

2. Devilstrand Armchairs aren't even close to the best thing to sell, because:
It takes 100 of a material to make an armchair and you get 3 devilstrand from a fully grown devilstrand plant, which equates to 33.3 spaces (or a ~5x6.6 area) for a single armchair.
It takes around 3/4ths of a RimWorld year (45 days) for Devilstrand to grow, assuming 100% fertility and proper temperature the entire time.
Even assuming that a level 20 constructor on average makes enough Legendary and Masterwork Armchairs (which they won't) that the average price of all sold Devilstrand Armchairs ends up being that of a Masterwork one at 1300 silver...

That works out to be a profit of 28.888... silver per day per 33.3 spaces used.

However, that's assuming a majority of your armchairs are legendary or masterwork -- so halve that, and you end up with a more accurate value of 14.444... silver per day per 33.3 spaces used.

Compared to... oh, let's just pick rice. They take 5 days to grow, give 5 rice per plant, and go for 0.4 silver a piece. So in a 5x6 plot at 100% fertility, you get 165 rice, which turns into 66 silver every 5 days, or 13.2 silver per day per 33.3 spaces used.

Add to that fact that Rice can actually be grown in Hydroponics to take advantage of its huge growth speed bonus due to fertility, and it effectively doubles the amount to 26.4 silver per day per spaces used. Plus it can be turned into simple meals for a slight price-per-rice increase.

I obviously haven't gone into labor, amount of traders who will buy them, maintenance, etc for determining how viable they are to each other. Plus my calculations are all rough. But, Devilstrand Armchairs are a far cry from being even remotely 'overpowered.'

Dont just dont.. u r not smart.. u just love to smell you own farts.. jump out the window..
It works deal with it, you are wrong, im drowning in money easy.

Edit by Calahan - User was temp-banned for this post. User had received a warning only a few hours ago about breaking rules 1+2, and yet chose to completely ignore that warning and commit the same offence again.


@ItchyFlea or Calahan could you close the post as you are at it?

troll post by banned user won't apport anything positive to the forums, other than more trolls coming in or whatever...


Quote from: zandadoum on September 27, 2016, 10:59:05 AM
@ItchyFlea or Calahan could you close the post as you are at it?

troll post by banned user won't apport anything positive to the forums, other than more trolls coming in or whatever...
Yeah, it's probably better to just close this thread. The merits or otherwise of devilstrand farming in A15 might well be a worthwhile topic of conversation, and if so then I hope someone would start a new thread to discuss it in (rather than doing so here against a background of some unsavoury posts).