Missing String - Missing Object link - Person rescued while carried no des

Started by JustMe, September 30, 2016, 05:44:12 AM

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A drug user on withdrawal gets angry and attacked a wild boar. She lost and had to be rescued. When she was rescued while she was carried she has no describtion string when you click through your settler with the keyboard. the screen also focus on the place of her break down.


Could you please upload a copy of the output_log file created in the game "data" directory after this error occurs?
Instructions for finding the output_log file can be found here under number 6:

Are you running the game with any mods?
If you are not running the game with mods, could you please upload a copy of the saved colony?
You can compress it using a file compression program built in to the operating system, or a third-party compression program like WinRAR or 7-Zip.
If the file size is still to large to upload here, you can upload the file to a site such as Dropbox or Google Drive, or another file sharing website.

If you are running the game with mods, please read this:


you are welcome ...  :)

I don´t use a mod

ps: I use the german version

[attachment deleted by admin - too old]


Thank you.
Could you also upload a copy of the saved colony where this happened?
The saved game could help someone find the issue.
Instructions to find it here:

You can compress the file using a compression program to fit the 600kb limit on the forums.
If the file still does not fit, you can upload it to a cloud site like Google Drive, or Dropbox, or a file hosting website like tinyupload.


I found the savegame where you can see the bug. (i made  a rar file from the rws)
- load the savegame - time is stopped
- select settler "lord"
- press the next settler key (for me it is "./:")
- lilu is selected - in the description you see the error message
(levin is carring lilu a little bit in NW direction.
you can in this savegame also test the behaviour about the screenfocus at lilu´s break down place.)

(ps: hail, cpt. janway  ;) )

[attachment deleted by admin - too old]



I just got a similar bug in alpha 15, but for me it was when I scrolled through my pawns using "," "." and it focused on one in a cryptosleep casket.

RimWorld 0.15.1284 on Linux 64 bit with no mods.

Screenshot here.