Should age consistency be fixed?

Started by Alenerel, October 12, 2016, 01:38:18 PM

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Age is a funny thing in rim world, and I do think it could use some fixing.  For example, age is one of the many factors that can prevent Lovin' from happening at all amongst couples, even at some fairly reasonable ranges (like a 45 year old and a 30 year old).  Also, colonist will often have hugely varying "actual" ages, despite presumably having been on the same crash-landed ship(?).  People can have parents younger than themselves or other relations that don't make a lot of sense.

That said, age is just a number, and I think most people ignore it almost all the time when actually playing the game.


It's not broken. Mom's chronological age is 50. Teenager popped out two kids, realized she'd made a horrible mistake, then hopped into a Cryptosleep casket for 20 years while they grew up.


The dates they spent in cryosleep don't line up to make that explanation work.


Well, Mom also spent 10 years in cryptosleep/time dilation before she had kids too. (Something is a bit off in those screenshots, because the kids have a chronological age less than their biological ages, but other than that the numbers all could work out)


Mom gets pregnant at 15 (24).

Has first child at 16 (25). Gets pregnant again shortly thereafter.

Has second child at 17 (26).

Mother enters Cryptosleep for 24 years. 17 (26)  ->  (+24)  -> 17 (50)

Children grow up normally (well, normal orphans) for 24 years. 1 (1), 0 (0) ->  +24  -> 25 (25), 24 (24).

No weird timey wimey stuff going on here. Well the weird chronological age thing (e.g. 24 (23)), but that's just an old cosmetic bug.


I havent thought about that. That makes sense.

O Negative

Good job on that explanation, Carbon. Color coated and everything :)



Chronological age is a more important information than the biological age when it comes to relationships. The game actually takes into account both biological and chronological age and tries to decide whether the relationship is possible or not.

As carbon already pointed out, in this case it's possible, even though it's unintuitive and at first glance looks weird. The fact that we don't know exactly when the pawn entered cryptosleep means that we can assume the best case scenario which fits the situation - for example when determining if a person A can be B's parent. Interestingly, in most cases the answer is yes if the chronological age is much greater than the biological age. (it gets a little bit more complex when a second parent is involved though. Theoretically there are always 2 parents, but it's possible that the other parent hasn't been generated yet)


Why does the game uses chronological age for relationships? If a guy is 15 in biological age, hes an adolescent, even if hes 500 years old chronologically.


ison means relationships [created during pawn generation] (which does still give some consideration for biological age, it's just more concerned about maintaining consistent chronological ages). Social interactions within your colony depend exclusively on biological age.


Quote from: ison on October 13, 2016, 12:17:11 PMTheoretically there are always 2 parents, but it's possible that the other parent hasn't been generated yet)

In the game perhaps, but interesting topical nitpick:


Yeah, I meant relationships created during pawn generation. Runtime relationships are generally not affected by the chronological age.