Manual Prisoner transportation

Started by melonator, April 01, 2014, 08:37:40 PM

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I'd think it would be pretty neat if we could manually assign colonists to escort prisoners around, it could come in useful in terms of taking them to different places, different prisoner cells maybe, or just simply releasing them back where they came from, however I was thinking more along the lines of taking them to an execution area where they could be dispatched (in front of an incoming wave of raiders maybe?) or they could transported to an arena of sorts where they would fight it out with other prisoners or colonists in exchange for freedom.

Edit - With the arena thing, it might be an option for colonists to watch these gladiatorial fights take place, boosting their mood for a while dependent on their personality (pacifists may hate to watch such a brutal event) Could tie in with the factions being introduced in alpha 3, the more feral and predatory factions may favour you for doing so.

I'm getting off topic now...

Jack 123

Darth Fool

Your warden(s) already fulfill this role.  To see it at work, plant a new prisoner sleeping area in some other room then delete the sleeping areas in the current prison.  Now, making gladitorial arenas or execution blocks would be something else (maybe fear tech2?)


That's...I think that's going too far into Prisoner Architect territory :p Not that it's bad, mind you...
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