(A16.1388) Unable to move prisoners if you move beds from one room to another

Started by Goldenglade, December 16, 2016, 12:23:28 PM

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What the circumstances were:   I moved a bed that was assigned for a prisoners to another room (was a double bed) aand now I can't warden the prisoner to the new prison room.

What happened.  I can no longer relocate the prisoner to a new room and the prisoner pawn is treating the room as a normal prison cell.

What you expected to happen.  I'm use to being able to have my warden drag them into a room in which a prisoner bed is available.

Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine.

build multiple rooms and move a bed (this case it was a double bed permitted to prisoners. I moved it to a colonist room and the current room is empty of all bed/furniture (see image) Beds are available elsewhere... See pictures below :D

save game


log file



You need to assign the double bed to be used by prisoners again. I think it's reset whenever it is moved.


I didn't want it used by prisoners and if you look to the right the second prisoner I have roaming around can be moved into the prisoner barracks. There's 6 beds in there 3 of which are medical. I can't move the prisoner at all.... sorry about the oversized images.



Those beds to the right look like they are marked 'Prisoner' and 'Hospital'.  If you changed one to not have the 'Hospital' designation does the prisoner get moved?


I had something like this happen in earlier versions of the game. Basically for me it was because I moved a bed while it was labeled a prisoner bed, which left the room designated a prison still, so wardens wouldn't remove a prisoner from what it still considered a prison room. To fix I either built another bed, or moved it back, and then designated it to prisoner then back to a colonist bed, taking the prison designation off the room. After that I was able to move my prisoners.

So long story short, toggle the bed back to normal before you move it and you should not get the room bug...if that's the same thing that is happening with this version.


Quote from: Gibson8088 on December 16, 2016, 12:46:13 PM
Those beds to the right look like they are marked 'Prisoner' and 'Hospital'.  If you changed one to not have the 'Hospital' designation does the prisoner get moved?

they have 2 sets the image is big scroll over


Unable to repro with 0.16.1393 rev546 and 0.15.1284 rev904 Linux 64bit DRM-free.
I don't have 0.16.1388 rev870 to try with.
Loaded the save with 0.16.1393 rev546, and it works with a whole bunch of "Could not find think node with key xxx" messages in the log.
Turtle can be taken to the room with 6 beds as expected.
Either I am missing something, or the bug is no more.

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