Sea Ice Community Challenge

Started by Rhadamant, December 29, 2016, 04:33:13 PM

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Run 1, Day 8: hmm, this is much easier than I was led to expect. But maybe that opinion will change in 12 days when I'll run out of non-raw human corpse food...


Well, successfully survived a season! Only took two tries.

This new colonist is an ex husband of Engie, too! It happens way too often.
Survived many raider attacks, so there's enough food to last a while, but sanity isn't looking too great...

Also, Rhadamant, you know how in your video you had several traders within the first season? I kinda copied your strategy, but so far I haven't had one. Luck of the draw, i guess.
On the right path, but the wrong medication.

I like how there's a thing that displays how long you've logged in to the forums. It shows just how many hours you've spent here, never to get back...


Run 1, Day 13: I was perhaps a bit overconfident. And bad at math. I only had 6 days worth of meals. I didn't set aside enough steel for a comms console and orbital beacon, which in retrospect was a grave error (From looking at the save files, I know that I've missed two orbital traders). Engie's husband has been dispatched to the nearest town with just enough raw human meat to avoid dying from malnutrition before arriving. I pray that he can survive long enough to return with at least 95 steel.


Run 1, Day 18: Engie's husband was ambushed by a warg. He triumphed, but bleed to death from his wounds. A new wanderer joined, but a wanderer is not steel. All hope is lost.



I salute you! You've got quite well for yourself indeed. Making it considerably further than many others who have tried.


Run 1, Day 18 part 2:

Kasen: Engie, if you're so desperate for steel, why didn't you just disassemble two of these heaters? They'd give just enough steel to finish the comms console and a beacon.

Engie: Are you insanse!? It's -97C out there!

Kasen: You're wearing a muffalo wool parka.

Engie: ... Shit.

Kasen: You sent your husband on a suicide mission for no reason?


Ah, the clarity a new day brings. (And I woke up in the middle of the night suddenly understanding a bug I noticed with my pathfinding mod)


Run 9 cont
Day 7 : Useless pawn joins with an awful tattered parka and a tuque.  Hopefully I'll find a better one later.


Wouldn't keep him even if I could.  Incapable of dumb/skilled, neurotic and lazy.  At least it's only -8 for father dying, instead of -20 for husband, but the fact I keep getting her relatives is unnerving.

Day 8: Thrumbo appears.  It's too warm to die to hypothermia, and I'm not risking shooting it.  Sad face.  That horn would have been really nice.

Day 9: Escape pod, abrasive child star incapable of anything good drops.  Also, wearing only synthread pants.  I let him die.  I'll take his pants to sell later.

Day 10: Female psychic drone.  Just what she needs after seeing her father die.

Day 11: A doctor asks for help.  If I accept, I'm really just going to let him die, which will tap out Engie's mood even further, but I kinda need more stuff to sell to traders. YOLO!

Doctor's got a hyperweave shirt, which Engie replaces her synthread one with.  Psychic drone ends, and eclipse happens.  I now have a megasloth wool parka which will allow me to survive even if a solar flare happens.

Day 13: Finish Hydroponics.  Engie's research skill is up to 3!  *final fantasy victory fanfare*

Day 14: Raid from two pirates.  Still no trade ships, though :(
Caught a stray bullet that ended up with an infection.  Game over, man!

Run 10: Early frostbite, but Engie recovers.
Day 7: An addiction counselor with 3 fine meals and otherwise miserable gear comes by.  He goes for a naked dance on the ice.
First raid is a single pirate with more bad gear.  I miss my megasloth parka :(

Day 8: Guy being chased by pirates!  Could be a parka!  I mean.. useful addition to my colony!  One had a muffalo wool parka, but he escaped.  Present minimum comfortable temperature: 80.9F

Day 11: Zzzt!  Destroys my battery, research bench, my heater, and my comms console.  Game over!

Run 11:  Solid start.  No fail to constructs, and I can spend a fair amount of time constructing graves in the base early.

Day 7: Rubber joins.  Incapable of 7 things, one of which is dumb labor.  a tattered awful cloth tuque, and a shoddy cloth parka.  A truly unfortunate start.
A second wanderer joins.  His cloth tuque is at least not tattered, but he's also worm food.
a THIRD wanderer joins, this one is wearing only a hat an an armor vest.  What the heck, Cassandra!
Finally, a raid from the cockroachs[sic].  More useless gear.  wtb wool parka :(

Day 8: Yet another wanderer joins.  I think I broke RimWorld.  But this one has a camelhair parka!  Present minimum comfortable temperature: 80.9F.  Some poor micromanagement on my part gets Engie frostbitten, but the wanderer kindly picks up the glitterworld medicine and heals her up before anything bad can come of it.  Then the wanderer dies.

Day 9: A cult child is being chased by pirates.  Why can I never get this many random joins in a normal game?  One of the pirates has a normal megasloth wool parka.  Now I can withstand up to -233, and the lowest I've seen was -225.  I think I'm totally safe from the elements now.  Oh yeah, and the kid died.

Day 12: Solar flare.  But I'm sleeping in a parka, so poo on you!
Eclipse in the same day, and I'm running a solar generator.  Still immune to cold.  Nyeah nyeah!  Engie and parka BFF~

Day 13: Cassandra calls me out on my trash talk.  Zzzt! destroys my solar generator.  I need to dissassemble my heater to make another one to power the comms console.

Day 14: Engie still tired from fighting the exploding circuits, and a raid comes.  three guys, one with a shotgun.  Her shots are on point, though.  She kills 'em without incident.
Then another wanderer joins, drops off her 3 simple meals, then hops into a grave.
Then an escape pod happens.  What is this? 8 potential colonists so far?

Day 15: Yet another wanderer joins.  I wish I was recording this run.

Day 16: Crashed escape pod.  What is it that's so appealing about this particular chunk of the north pole that just DEMANDS people come to it?

Day 17: First ship in comms range is a pirate merchant.  Go figure.  Can I build walls out of mortar shells?  Upside is that I have a veritable ton of silver for whenever a good merchant DOES come by.  Seconds later, a raid is happening.  Three guys with ranged weapons, two of which are LMGs.  If stuff goes south, I can just buy one of the slaves off the pirate and have him use glitterworld medicine on Engie, then die because I sold all the warm weather clothes to buy him.

Nevermind.  They all died to hypothermia en route to my summer home.  More stuff for me!

Day 20: Two more escape pods, within minutes of each other.

Day 21: 76% resistant to meditative joy, and no bulk goods trader in sight.  Engie burns the last of her steel to make a horseshoes pin.

Day 22: Person being chased by pirates asks for help.  Business as usual.  Kill 'em all, take their stuff.

Day 24: Another escape pod.  I'd like to ignore these, but hyperweave clothes sell so nice.

Day 25: Two more escape pods.  It's raining men!  One's wearing only synthread pants, the other is totally nude.  I leave them to (very slowly) rot, as Engie still hasn't finished Hydroponics research, due to all the hauling she's been doing.

Day 26: Another escape pod.  This guy's in hyperweave, so he's getting farmed.

Day 28: 10 meals left. Another escape pod. Still no bulk goods trader.

Day 31:  5 meals left.  Winter has come, and so has an exotic goods trader.  Unfotunately, I can't eat the 7000 silver I have.

Day 32: 3 meals left.  Engie's eating like a pig.  Also, she caught the plague.  Gonna wait it out and see if a pirate comes to sell me a slave to glitterowrld her, or if another random wanderer joins.

Day 32: Someone begs for help!  Get your butt in here and heal Engie!
...No such luck.  He was not dressed for the weather, and collapses before making it to the cabin.

Day 33: Dead to plague.

If I had gotten a single bulk goods trader, I'd have been able to set up a hydroponics basin and take on some of these colonists :(
Two tiers of construction jobs.  One for expensive/quality items, and one for walls/floors/etc.


Run 2, Day 19: Things are going smoothly, except for traders. Just had one pirate trader so far. 5 days until Engie has to resort to raw cannibalism.

Sola, the storyteller doesn't like it at all when you have below three pawns. At one pawn, they're 4 times more likely to pick events that increase your population.  That last run is pretty crazy though.

You should try to build your hut without any conduit. No conduit, no Zzzzt.


Run 2, Day 21: Not so smooth now. Engie got frostbitten through a series of mishaps, and with no one to tend her acquired an infection. She's now a Luciferium addict, with only one other pill...


Run 12:  Fall 8 - Engie catches a Pila in the kidney and bleeds out.

Run 13:  fail to construct first room, frostbite, infection, death.

Run 14:  Bulk goods trader on Winter 3.  First one I've seen.  Caught the flu on Winter 10, but beat it by wasting days in bed.  Winter 14, I've got hydroponics spawning rice, and take on a second colonist.  Almost finished a year, and then THIS happens.

I'm not entirely sure I can feed three people.  I don't even have a good parka on my second guy yet.  Maybe I'll kill off the other guy and Engie can get her sex on.
Two tiers of construction jobs.  One for expensive/quality items, and one for walls/floors/etc.


Run 2, Day 23: A rare Thrumbo! It runs right up in front of Engie's hut and promptly collapses from hypothermia. What luck! A valuable horn and non-human meat!

Run 2, Day 23 (3 hours later) An Engie hauling a sniper rifle! It runs right up in front of Engie's hut and promptly collapses from hypothermia. Oops. Game over.


One whole year.  Woo.
-Breaking just about even on food.  One more hydroponics bay should net me a gain of food.
-No energy problems at all.
-Engie's a good enough constructor that the bedroom is impressive, and the furniture is comfortable, so no mood penalty.

-I've only had one bulk trader.  A second would be nice, because I need steel, wood, and stone blocks.
-Another animal-hair parka for Engie's husband.  Got the thrumbofur, just need the tailor bench.
-Another doctor.  It turns out Engie's husband can't doct.  if she catches the plague, the game is over.

Two tiers of construction jobs.  One for expensive/quality items, and one for walls/floors/etc.


Mental note: need to plan out interaction spots better next time.

edit: Here's the end of run 2


I just had a funny thought.  Why do you keep starting over when Engie dies?

Let Cassandra keep raining people on the map.  Maybe one of them will survive long enough to make it to the hut, improve on it, eventually die, then the *next* visitor tries to improve on it, etc.

It'd be like "Moon" only without the mining :)
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


One other suggestion: if you've accumulated 7000 silver and you can't get any traders to give you anything useful for it, why not use it as a construction material?  Each wall is only 100 silver.  500 silver will get you a door :)

(Even thinking about using money as a construction material is sufficient proof to me that the trade system in this game is broken...)
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.