RimWorld Character Sheet

Started by Thundercraft, January 14, 2017, 02:03:52 AM

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I typed this spreadsheet up a while ago for personal use, as I wanted a way to keep track of the skill levels of each of my colonists and which skills they have an interest or burning desire in. (See attachments below.) And I wanted to do this on paper. I print several pages out and then use a pencil scribble the numbers, as well as {i} for interest or {b} for burning.

In case you're wondering, the "Management" skill is for the Colony Manager mod and the "Fishing" skill is for the FishIndustry mod.

Yes, I could simply click on the colonist in question to get a list of their skills. And I frequently do just that.

But, say, I get the option to recruit a new colonist, rescue a downed raider, or I get a refugee chased event? I wanted a chart of my colonists to compare them with to make it easy to decide whether I want them or whether it would be worth the effort. (I'm also using the Refugee Stats mod to get more details about refugees.)

Also, with both Colony Manager and FishIndustry mods, the Management and Fishing skills are not always visible. (They can get cut off, depending on my screen resolution.)

BTW: It would be nice if RimWorld had a Colonists screen that would allow us to look at the stats of all of our colonists at a glance.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]