
Started by Mikey21, January 16, 2017, 09:27:23 PM

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I've been lurking the forums and playing since A10 and now that the wanderlust update is out I need to know. Will there be vehicles? Can I please generate a dry desert planet and run a tribe that worships cars and raids other tribes for guzzali- I mean, gas? Someone tell me vehicles are coming. I need this dream to become a reality. I literally made this forum account just to ask for(demand) vehicles or confirmation of vehicles.
It's not a survival game if there's nobody fighting over gas in huge big block monster machines.


Quote from: Tynan on November 05, 2013, 07:18:01 PM
Vehicles are also a problem, I'm afraid, just because handling them in a tile-based engine like RW's would be extremely difficult.

That quote is more than a bit dated, but a quick Tynan post search doesn't turn up anything newer.

You can also find vehicles under frequent suggestions.


Damn. I was hoping for some sort of placeable vehicle that only moved on the world view. Cargo pods are so lame. I hope my dream will one day come true through mods. All I can do now is go back to lurking and wait  :'(


Quote from: Mikey21 on January 16, 2017, 11:16:34 PM
Damn. I was hoping for some sort of placeable vehicle that only moved on the world view. Cargo pods are so lame. I hope my dream will one day come true through mods. All I can do now is go back to lurking and wait  :'(
Yeah , like building an airstrip with a plane to be able to fly your paratrooper platoon over half of the planet :D

Cpt. DuctTape

Quote from: Mikey21 on January 16, 2017, 11:16:34 PM
Damn. I was hoping for some sort of placeable vehicle that only moved on the world view. Cargo pods are so lame. I hope my dream will one day come true through mods. All I can do now is go back to lurking and wait  :'(

I know that feel man. Making proper vehicles is hard work, but I'm sure someone will find a way to do it. Although it might take a while....


It's dated, but the mod in the link below had a pretty good take on vehicles and hauling. I'd love to see something similar work its way into vanilla, especially for a nomadic play through.


oh wow... that's interesting! I hope someone can get this to work


There was also a mod in A13 that added vehicles (  I'd love to see a quality mod that adds vehicles for A16.  And maybe that mod author would like to see their mod in vanilla?


Oh god, personal shield brawlers are bad enough when they have good quality shields. Having them ride in on ATVs to close the melee gap that much faster would be terrifying.


Quote from: Goldenpotatoes on January 18, 2017, 04:33:05 PM
Oh god, personal shield brawlers are bad enough when they have good quality shields. Having them ride in on ATVs to close the melee gap that much faster would be terrifying.

Jesus, imagine a dude with a triple rocket launcher on the back of an atv coming at your colonists.
Life is Strange


Quote from: PotatoeTater on January 18, 2017, 04:50:43 PM
Quote from: Goldenpotatoes on January 18, 2017, 04:33:05 PM
Oh god, personal shield brawlers are bad enough when they have good quality shields. Having them ride in on ATVs to close the melee gap that much faster would be terrifying.

Jesus, imagine a dude with a triple rocket launcher on the back of an atv coming at your colonists.

XD That would be both amazing and absolutely scary!


Quote from: PotatoeTater on January 18, 2017, 04:50:43 PM
Quote from: Goldenpotatoes on January 18, 2017, 04:33:05 PM
Oh god, personal shield brawlers are bad enough when they have good quality shields. Having them ride in on ATVs to close the melee gap that much faster would be terrifying.

Jesus, imagine a dude with a triple rocket launcher on the back of an atv coming at your colonists.

Yeah, but that is more a problem of the 1-shot-mega-aoe-weapons being ridiculous as of the troop transport.


I would love to have vehicles in the game. It would be great to have to research and build trains, airplanes, wagons, boats , and jeeps.  Trains and air bases could be used to connect hexes on the world map . Or you could call in an air strike when attacking enemy camps. Use boats to get to those islands etc.


Maybe one day. That quote from Tynan is dated so plans may have changed. They would of course make a nice late game addition but would probably require a lot of work to get working well.


minecarts + railroads + lategame automated load in/out railsystem

would fit in the "western" setting.

and would be really useful.

having a railroad next to your hayfields and the minecart counts as critical+ stockpile.
the minecart will only start if it is fully loaded into the barn and deload automatically
into a stockpile.
you could manually start them too or set a % at when to start the process.
would run on electricity.
also command-switches to change between different routes

you could also connect to other bases within 3-5 tile radius on the worldmap just by building a
"exit" route on the mapedge.
this exit connect to all other exits within 3 tiles radius.
you could send a train 3 tiles to the next base, from this base also 3 tiles farther to the third base etc..

why not farther than 3-5 tiles? to make caravans not irrelevant in lategame.
Born in Toxic Fallout
Drop-Pod Escape Artist