Cookery [Mod ideas]

Started by Techgenius, February 01, 2017, 05:51:44 PM

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" Cooking or cookery is the art, technology and craft " -Internet

I have been brainwashing and something hit me, why there are no sausages? why is the rum always gone? where is the wheat/malt flavoured beer, my chocolate cookies and human flavoured counterparts mixed with fava beans and chili peppers?

I used to go to a oasis ranch in a rural city a little far from the concrete human hive metropolis I grew up, and when we travel there we used to cook all sorts of rustic food, there is no secret to making sausages, get a lump of cut/grinded meat, some fat and spices, mix it all and fill it, let it rest and then cook it, one of the best table servings for any occasion that includes beer, yeah there is or was, a local brewery that crafted its own patented beer, man. Tempus fugit indeed, feels like ages.

So I propose, why not make a mod that teaches our pawns to do the same? cook sausages and blood sausages (get blood from animals and humans), grind, preserve/smoke meat, store meat in fat, make new types of beer, trust me. Strawberry beer tastes good, fruit flavoured beers are often looked upon with some doubts. But some brands are quite good, again, why there are no wine, rum and other types of beverages? yeah.. sure you're trying to get out of the rimworld, setting up a brewery/restaurant in the middle of nowhere was never the plan, but thats the frontier life! exciting! dangerous! delicious too.

Anyone with the mojo or will to mod? or is there a mod that does this and I've been unaware all this time?

Excois mah engrish iz salf tauugh


Vegetable Garden adds a lot of new stuff to grow,harvest and to use to get new food,but i don't think there is a mod specifically about alcoholic drinks and such...i have modded many other games,but idk if i can really do any modding in rimworld(the most similar XMLs i ever modded were the ones for 7D2D)except the basic "modifying the vanilla XML files to change stats or add some new things(mostly helped by ctrl+c,ctrl+v and changing some things here and there)".
Same with the self taught english XP
"They ask me:
how did you get banned from so many communities?
I answer:i don't even know...i guess they don't like wallhacks/aimbot/lag hacks/god mode/infinite ammo?


Actually, it's kinda easy to change references and such, using Notepad++ can get you very far, I usually update certain references in old mods to bring it some life, very basic modding skills.
I understand that what really get in the nerve of people is updating mods, Tynan and gang usually change a lot of stuff in the coding, this can be both beneficial and utter chaos because bringing a A13 mod to life is almost impossible, some people rather create a new mod, or reconstruct bit by bit (real champs)

I'm a bit biased about Vegetable Garden, some of the items and crops seem a bit... unrealistic? some of the graphic sprites are not rimworldy too.. Reason why I thought these ideas was my realization at finding no sausages or blood sausages in game, can you believe it? you'll find smoked, cured and preserved meat, but not a single damn sausage, bratwurst or the like, it's almost maddening :D

Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it ;)


i could TRY to add some new things on rimworld,but i would need a mod to start with,and to kind of "copy" to add new things,but then the art would become the problem,and the permission(at this point it would be faster to ask a mod creator that has a mod that adds foods and such,to just add a few new things XP).
"They ask me:
how did you get banned from so many communities?
I answer:i don't even know...i guess they don't like wallhacks/aimbot/lag hacks/god mode/infinite ammo?