Probably should have checked this name earlier!

Started by Aasajo, February 04, 2017, 10:36:32 AM

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Hello! I got Rimworld about a week ago and I've been loving it since. I upgraded to the name-in-game mostly to support the developers, but I thought having my own name inside of it would be pretty cool! I'm not complaining about the time or anything, as I only put in the submission a few minutes ago.
I'd just like to ask if you all think it'd be accepted in the first place. Because the guidelines are useful, but the lines on what a 'fantasy name' constitutes is blurry at best.
So anyway, my name is Aasajo Oketei. Would you think that would be acceptable? Aasajo means 'Dawn of Creation' and Oketei is dialectic form of the Ogedei family.
So, how does the chances look?

Also, on a side note, the 'short name' would have been either Aatxira or Qaiau. I decided against even trying it, because Aatxira has a click-ish sound (aa-TXi-ra) that English doesn't have and would stand out too much in the game. And Qaiau is just awkward for English speakers to say, even when it's spelt 'Khai'ao'.
So anyway, thoughts?


My guess is that 'Aasajo Oketei' will be accepted just fine.  And good call on not including either of the two short name options.  I tried pronouncing them, but my English tongue won't let me.  ;)

Anyway, we'll find out for sure next alpha!


Great! I just thought I'd ask. Sometimes words from my language sound fine to me but completely alien to other (foreign?) people. Ju-uumasiceej is a great example. I find that most awkwardness is from the spelling. Much easier to read Ju'umasi Chej in English.