Let me recruit visitors with relations.

Started by klopkr, March 18, 2017, 11:59:24 PM

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Why is it that when my pawns husband/wife shows up all i can do is just look at them on the map until they leave. Maybe if I'm lucky I can trade with them.

Put a little question mark sign on them and let me just recruit them no fuss no muss. When the relationship is that significant why would they say no?


download Hopsitality MOD, it is the solution to this problem


A mod shouldn't be the answer to something as logical as this.

It could be a once per visit kind of thing. If the character with the relation speaks with his/her spouse, relative. That character should have a chance of persuading the other to join.

It could even be a hit or miss thing. Based on quality of life in the colony.
So the character might be "Meh, player's colony is crappy, full of rats and has no nice beds. I'll live with the Redneck Hamster players instead."
And then the character joins his/her spouse/relative instead.


Or instead of giving you the option to recruit them... make them decide to join on their own.

Your spectacular builder/crafter has an estranged husband, who just showed up and decided to join. Yay! Oh yeah, he's a pyromaniac sheriff. With a limp.


or have your colonist join their relatives' faction instead depending on how happy they are in yours? eh eh!