mod suggestion: sheep and goats

Started by JABBA2000, April 01, 2017, 03:17:16 PM

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So i've noticed that sheep and goats are missing in the game. This is weird because they are very common animals. So i'm saying that it would be good if someone can fill in this gap and make a mod that adds sheep and goats. The sheep would be like mini muffalos. They will yield sheep wool that can be used like a material for making apparel. Goats would yield goat milk like the cows that could be used for cooking. Now this is just a suggestion. You can add whatever you want, i just thought it would be a good idea.


That feeling when you see a mod suggestion in the Unfinished section, while the Mod subforum has a Suggestion section...   ::)  ::)  ::)

On topic: They'll probably get added to the core game sooner or later.


Oh shit i just realised i put it in the wrong part. Sorry. Any way a moderator can move it to the right place?