[A16]RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner

Started by user19990313, April 28, 2017, 06:57:29 AM

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I have tried everything for my colony last as much as it can (14 yrs now), your mod was the latest addition, i wish i can say yours helped reduce lag but i can't because i did so many things, but i must certainly say it helped! xD
Now my game is somewhat fluent on 1x speed but now instead of fps drop (or lag) i have it stutter, (its fluent for a couple seconds and then it stops for less than a second), i'm not sure if i can do anything about it, it is probably related to CPU choking.
I think i have way too much food ..i grew to hate manhunter packs -_-'.

Do not worry if you are not getting much feedback, sometimes not having news is good news, and it is hard to see it the mod is actually working. Keep up the good work!


Quote from: Dr_Zhivago on April 28, 2017, 01:04:59 PM
Here. Just made some quick grammar/spelling edits. Didn't change format of mod.
I've integrated your language pack into newly-released Update 01.
I do appreciate your work,but...
Do you know you've just messed up all the line separators?Oh my god... :'(
(Maybe you didn't save the xml with UTF-8 charset)


Quote from: user19990313 on May 01, 2017, 11:02:56 AM
Do you know you've just messed up all the line separators?Oh my god... :'(
(Maybe you didn't save the xml with UTF-8 charset)

Ah... apologies if I muddled something.


This looks lovely, but any chance you could post a slightly more comprehensive explanation of what each of these exactly does (and for those which might affect the play experience, how / how much?, other than the really obvious ones?


whoah, nevermind. this is quite well documented in-game.


This is working better for me than Zhentar's WorldPawnGC.  Unfortunately that one ended up deleting my colonist + robot pawns and corrupting my save games.  I'm betting it's an issue with some mods (misc. robots and/or alien framework).  This one, however, lets you run it as needed so I never need to worry about my savegame getting corrupted -- I can just save before running it if I'm worried.  But so far, so good :)


Quote from: madd_mugsy on May 02, 2017, 10:30:54 AM
This is working better for me than Zhentar's WorldPawnGC.  Unfortunately that one ended up deleting my colonist + robot pawns and corrupting my save games.  I'm betting it's an issue with some mods (misc. robots and/or alien framework). 
Glad to see you're fond of it ;D I've added many filters to guarantee that no non-human colonists will be deleted.The mod passed the close alpha test with Misc. Robots ,but there're no tests with mod "Call of Cluthu"(incorrect spelling maybe)right now.Well it's most likely that my mod could handle all saves with non-vanilla races,but I still suggest that backup your saves before cleaning,if you have any mods with new races. :P


Quote from: user19990313 on April 28, 2017, 08:04:35 AM
Detailed introduction:
-Removes all unnecessary World Pawns to alleviate burden of GameSystem
-Keeps all faction leaders
-Keeps all pawns existing in a map
-Keeps all relatives(alive or dead) of your colonists or prisoners
-Keeps all pawns traveling in world map(caravans,transport pods...)
-All tales used by artworks will be kept,but some(a small proportion of) unused tales will be deleted

In fact,you could compare it with Zhentar's one yourself...I'm busy these days sorry :P

At a high level, this is roughly the same as mine, except that mine doesn't do any pruning of tales. But based on your other comments, it sounds like yours is much more aggressive with relationship pruning than mine is, so the in game effects of yours will be more visible but with a greater performance improvement.

I'll have to take a look at your safety checks though; mine shouldn't ever delete colonists either so I'm curious what cases I might have missed.


Quote from: Zhentar on May 03, 2017, 02:36:06 PM
I'll have to take a look at your safety checks though; mine shouldn't ever delete colonists either so I'm curious what cases I might have missed.
Firstly I want to clarify that the mod won't delete tales on purpose;A tale related to a discarded world pawn will be removed by TaleManager class automatically.You could see it as a side effect but it makes no difference to the gaming experience of average players.

In fact I came up with this idea when using some crude "saves cleaner".Those tools(separated .exe) are designed for .rws files,and they couldn't stop creating errors,and finally the saves were corrupted.
So I referred those bug reports posted by other victims and set patches for all these exceptions.

Generally speaking,you should check whether a pawn is a colonist/corpse/forcefully-kept-pawn.Additionally you should avoid disposing members of player-controlled caravans or in transport pods,PawnUtility class may come in handy.
You can also ILSpy the assembly to see details...if you could read the code "optimized" by compiler :-\

Please let me know if you copy or refer to my codes.I don't want to see someone "stealing" my codes without permission,for I really devote my heart into this mod.


Will you keep it on the forums or will you take it to the Steam Workshop?
Mod Help! The basics on how to download mods!


Quote from: Iwillbenicetou on May 04, 2017, 10:15:07 PM
Will you keep it on the forums or will you take it to the Steam Workshop?
No, I won't publish this mod on Steam Workshop,but I'll keep on maintaining it at this forum,including an A17 version of this mod.(Surely I'll wait for a stable A17 release of the game to get started,so wait patiently  ;))


Aaah...I remembered someone replied with a weird request:a System.GC.Collect() button on main menu...
Seems that he deleted his reply...
Well if you are still watching my mod,I'd like to tell you I'm researching it and I'll build an exclusive version of this mod for you...but I can't guarantee when it'll be done.


It's really uncomfortable  between A16 & A17,for I have to decide whether I should try it out right now or just wait for mods...I'm longing for the stable version of A17 and I can get to work with my mod as soon as it's released.


Aaah!I WILL update my mod to adapt A17,but that won't happen until a stable version of the game is released!Please stop PM-ing me :(


OMG! Man, You helped to return of my interest for this game. Thanks Dude