rimwold runs slow

Started by trinbal, May 18, 2017, 03:29:54 PM

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didnt found any solution around the web so i ask in here.
The game starts always like i got a 10y old low budget pc, it runs just slow. it doesnt matter if i change the resolutionm playing fullscreen or windowed.
but i found out, when i play windowed and are not tapped on the game it runs perfectly. i have no idea what causis this effect.
is there any solution for my problem?


Hi trinbal,

There's most likely a solution for the problem, but we need to know a more about it before we can really help you.

1. Please describe more about the problem.  Is the sound slow? Does it stutter?  Or does it just take a long time to load?  What exactly takes a long time to load?  What exactly is slow?

2. What is your operating system? (Windows / Mac / Linux)  What version of that operating system do you have?  What CPU do you have?  How much RAM do you have?  Are you running 1 screen or more than 1 screen?  What's your video card?

3. Are you running any mods?  If so, which ones?

4. Please attach your log file (see the link in my signature).

That'll be a great start to solving this issue!  :)


1.its just slow, the sound plays normaly to the speed of game. its like i got not enough power. the whole game, in menu, in loading and ingame.
2.win7 64bit; intel i5-3550 3.30GHz; 16GB RAM; 3monitors on,change doesnt effect; gtx1060 6GB
3. No Mods
i figuered out something new: when i use windowed mode and let the game run outtapped (like, click on browser) it just runs normal.
Changed again setting like resolution but it hasnt changed anything


Thanks trinbal.  I don't have time right now to delve deeper into this (I will when I have time), but it would be really helpful to me to know what exactly is slow.  The loading? The gameplay?  Other? I can't see you play RimWorld, so I don't know where to focus my investigation.

Since you're not using mods, it's unlikely that the log file would help, but it still wouldn't hurt to see it.  Attach it if you can, but it's not a big deal (I think).


Quote from: trinbal on May 19, 2017, 06:19:07 PM
1.its just slow, the sound plays normaly to the speed of game. its like i got not enough power. the whole game, in menu, in loading and ingame.
2.win7 64bit; intel i5-3550 3.30GHz; 16GB RAM; 3monitors on,change doesnt effect; gtx1060 6GB
3. No Mods
i figuered out something new: when i use windowed mode and let the game run outtapped (like, click on browser) it just runs normal.
Changed again setting like resolution but it hasnt changed anything
What is your os?


everything is slow. the game, the loading, the menu.
you can´t see playing me rimwolrd? how is that supposed to mean?
how can i upload the log file? copy paste into here? sorry, but its nowhere explained.

@neotic: as written, win 7 64bit


Quote from: trinbal on May 22, 2017, 01:54:02 PM
you can´t see playing me rimwolrd? how is that supposed to mean?

It's a reminder that I have no knowledge at all of the problem that you're very familiar with. Just saying "it's slow" is about as informative as me telling my mechanic "my car won't work" and expecting him to know why. I needed a clearer description of the symptoms you're experiencing, which you've sort of given now. The more information you can give, the better we can zero in on the problem.

About the log file, you can attach it to your forum post, or you can paste in directly into the post. If you want to attach it (or any future file), begin a new post and click Preview or edit an existing post. Click +Attachments and you'll see The option to attach a file to your post.


well, you´re right i should say it much clearer.
when rimworld game is on active window the frames dop to 22. if rimworld window is not active (when i activate other tasks), they go up to constant 60fps.
this happens all the time. All map sizes, all options, in menu etc.


@ trinbal - Can I please ask a few more questions to help determine the cause of your problem (I don't think these have been asked yet, although apologies if they have and I missed them):

1 - Are you running the Steam or DRM-free version of the game?

2 - Have you played any other versions of RimWorld? And if so did you have the same problem with those versions as well?

2a - Assuming you have not played an earlier version, then if you are using the Steam version there is an option to roll the game back to A15 or A14. Have you tried doing this to see if this problem is also present in earlier versions? Likewise have you tried the A17 unstable buld that is currently available on Steam? (note I'm assuming you are currently playing A16, as you have not said which version you are playing  having trouble with). Asking this as it would be useful to know if this problem is new for A16, which suggests the issue might be game related, or if it's a problem with every version of RimWorld on your computer, which suggests something on your end is affecting performance. 

3 - Are you using any sort of recording software? As there have been some unexplained bugs and issues in the past that were ultimately traced back to RimWorld not getting on well with certain recording software.

4 - Do you have Nvidia's screen share enabled? Here's more info about it from milon...
Quote from: milon on April 30, 2017, 06:48:59 AM
I see you have an Nvidia graphics card. Nvidia'app' screen share (enabled by default) causes a lot of headaches for a lot of games. Check and see if you have this feature, and disable it if you do. It might help.  See this for info on how to disable it:

It would still be helpful for you to attach your log file to a post as milon requested. Details on where to find it an be found in the following thread (see #6): https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=513.0


for real? a friggin button from Nvidia?
hell no...
that worked... can´t belive that.
well, i thank you very much.
and i use the DRM-free version.

thumps up :D


:) Happy to hear you managed to locate, and solve, the cause of your problem. Nvidia and their pain in the arse junkware bloat-apps helpful features strike again.

And please give 100% of the credit for this one to milon. As he discovered this thing's trouble causing ability a few weeks back when dealing with a different support issue, and since then I think it's been the source of one or two other support issues reported as well. I'm not sure how long this screen share thing has been enabled by default, but thinking back to some of the older support issues we couldn't solve, I can't help but wonder just how many of those unsolved mysteries this was responsible for. As I suspect it might have been quite a few (but now thanks to milon we know about it, and so can suggest it anytime we see someone with a Nvidia card reporting having strange problems).


ok, then i bow to your wisdom, milon :)  amazing solution.

may you should get this bug/feature/problem with Nvidia on a sticky or FAQ just in case someone else, like me who isnt good at explaining problems, got this too.

and thank you guys again :D


Quote from: trinbal on May 24, 2017, 12:29:10 AM
... you should get this bug/feature/problem with Nvidia on a sticky or FAQ...
We usually pin threads for support tissues that have been reported a decent number of times. I'm not sure if Nvidia's screen share has caused enough problems to warrant a sticky yet, but it's getting close, and probably does deserve one if it gets credit for some of the previous unsolved support issues. So I would not be surprised if we pinned a thread about this sooner rather than later.


Eh, I think I just connected the dots with the Nvidia thing. Either Calahan or nccvoyager actually did the hard work figuring it out. But yeah, it really doesn't play nice with either Unity (RimWorld's framework) or Steam.