Escape pod character join colony before rescued

Started by Lowkey1987, July 18, 2017, 11:24:28 AM

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    What the circumstances were.
I used dev-mode to execute an incident (RefugeePodCrash). I wanted to test, if i see the healthtab when the refugee is rescued.

I send a pawn to rescue the refugee. The refugee wears clothe so he could survive -5°C  to 32°C. Start temperatur of the incident was -13°C and endet with -4°C when the refugee was in my hospitel. Had taken some hours because of deep snow and larger map (not extrem large but a bit larger than standart).

I play randy random intense and have 15 pawns.

I repeaded this 12 times (because of bug report)

    What happened.
While my pawn was carrying (hope this word exists) the refugee to my hospitel, the refugee joined my colony because i rescued her. While being unconscious (because the pawn carry her on).
Note: The enterd one door, which is homezoned. Its one tile (sappers digg trough a mountain, i closed the entrance with doors. This door have a homezone.)
Tests: Pawns join, even when "only be rescued". No doc, no food, only warm bed.

    What you expected to happen.
That my pawn will carry a refugee into my base. And after i have patched her up, she would decide to stay or to leave.

    Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine.

I just let 12 refugee pods crash. None of theme joined my colony while being carried. One joined, but his wounds wasn´t take care of.
So there is only a small chance that this is happening. Let droppods crash while there is a negative temperature.


I have mods, so i dont know if  a savegame will help. List as a pic.

   Log File

My bad, tested on and didnt log.

bug3: Modlist
bug4: Showns 2 refugees in my hospital. Lour has joined before entering my hospital. William was the second test (i tested for another bug report).

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


It's very weird, refugees shouldn't join the colony like that. Has anyone else experienced similar issues?


What happens is if the pawn is able to walk while you're carrying him to a medical bed (it happens when his pain was just above the pain shock threshold when he crashed), the join leave/decision seems to trigger: either he decides to join and you've got the message X joined your colony while you're still carrying him to a medical bed (he then appears up while still being carried by your colonist to a medical bed), either he decides to leave and he just stands up and leave as soon as your colonist has put him in the medical bed.

Maybe Lour was able to walk, joined the colony because she was no longer unconscious while being carried, and was down again because of blood loss/ hypothermia. Or simply she's not unconscious and is resting in the medical bed after joining while being carried.


Ah, I forgot that refugees can join the colony after being rescued. Hmm, I agree that it's a bit weird that if the person gets undowned while being carried he can join the colony, but it's not completely unrealistic I think, so I'd say it's not really a bug. Thanks for reporting though.