Irrational scars affecting trade prices; craft/construct bug on many production

Started by gdog, August 25, 2017, 11:15:30 AM

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*on many production items.

First, I have a social person who the game states has bad health that affects trade prices.  I assume it affects other social activities as well.  She is completely healthy, 100%, aside from a cut scar on the neck.  The scar results in 2.4 percent pain and 97% efficiency.  I can understand scars on a face affecting how people interact with you, but a small scar on the neck really shouldn't.

Second, as I'm sure has been pointed out, there is a giant flaw in 1.7 where many production activities, such as the stone cutting block and making medicine, do not increase crafting.  Apparently they increase construction.  That wouldn't be a terrible problem except that in order to assign work I have to assign the worker by clicking on crafting.  So I would have to assign my high construction/no crafting person to crafting and then restrict their access to other crafting items.

I was also hoping that maybe some board members knew of mods that fix these items.


Neck injuries affect breathing, and breathing affects talking and consciousness.


The first one is working as intended.

The second issue has already been reported elsewhere. Thanks for reporting though.