Custom Generator - Refuel problem

Started by mattyboof, September 14, 2017, 08:54:05 AM

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Hi All

I made a copy of the vanilla generator in my mod but instead of running on wood Ive set it to run on hay.

Whilst this seems to work fine the only problem is that once it drops below 30% fuel the pawns re-fuel it but by taking 1 hay at a time not a stack (or whatever their carrying capacity may be). This leads to my pawns literally constantly going back and forward to the generator with single items of hay.

This happens regardless of the capacity and use rate (and various ratios) I set.

Ive taken a look at several other generator mods and keep seem to see anything im doing wrong.


Ive not fixed the issue but have cheesed a workaround

I made a new fuel (using chemfuel as a base) and made it need 100 hay to make 1 "pellet" and be constructed in the refinary. The generator then needs 1 pellet to be 100% full.

Not ideal but a reasonable workaround. I'd like to see if I can solve the problem for the future however.


I think it's a core AI issue because my pawns almost always haul things weighing  much less than their maximum carry capacity each turn.
They may sometimes collect different nearby stacks of same item into one stack which will be carried to a storage area. However, most of time, they don't do this.


I don't know the issue but I don't recommend filling the generator with only one pellet.
If you don't have the 100 hay you can't make the pellet and depending on how long the generator can run with one pellet you still have to refuel it constantly.
I'd recommend making something like 20, 30 or 50 hay into one pellet and adjust the generator fuel stock accordingly.


Quote from: Albion on September 19, 2017, 09:57:02 PM
I don't know the issue but I don't recommend filling the generator with only one pellet.
If you don't have the 100 hay you can't make the pellet and depending on how long the generator can run with one pellet you still have to refuel it constantly.
I'd recommend making something like 20, 30 or 50 hay into one pellet and adjust the generator fuel stock accordingly.

Thanks Albion, I now agree after having tested this for a few days. With a capacity of 1 It cannot be refuelled unit it runs out.

I did however also cheese away that problem by making the generator have a small battery capacity (500w) which is long enough to sustain it from when it runs out of fuel to when the pawn reloads it.

I will reduce the cost of pellets to 25 and make it hold 4 at once, then it will be reloaded when fuel gets to 1 or 2.

Thanks for your your help.