[A17]community guns(0.17.1546)guns for evryone

Started by senne111, October 16, 2017, 12:39:08 PM

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i would say evreyone wants thare own guns so that why i made this mod you just put a idee for a gun in the comments and i try to make it. Giving it my best shot (this is my first mod so i hope you like it and sorry for no extra texture's still working on those)

the guns:

tec: a replacement for the normal pistol but it has a much better at short and long range

specail guns,
firestorm: breath fire like a dragon and say "fireball" like a wizard
dubbleminigun:the power of 2 miniguns put into one , yes it is possible.
god bow:schoots a arrow so fast it will exsplode

big-shot: shoots the biggests slowest and least accurate bullets of a shotgun in the hole rimworld and has some nice range.

obliverator: one shot one kill you can say whit this gun and its stopping power,weaken your enemy before he gets to you whit its big range and stupidly high power.
Machinesniper: for the sniper that never hits his first shot.
Chargesniper:charge up and unleash hell on your enemys from afar.

Heavygun: it has evrything you want from a gun accuresy,power,range,fire rate but is also realy realy heavy and it costs only the life of 2 colonist's(literly).
LMGG: for the person who just wants to win once and say GG to his enemy.

badRifle: wait only 10 steel and 1 component for this gun (yes its possible).

one use guns:
nuke-launcher: now you have the power of shooting one nuke to your enemys say goodbay to them


dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xny331ptfrjpga3/community%20guns.zip?dl=0

Upcoming Features

If you give any guns i will update it (updates are every day(try to)).
Some nice skins for evry gun.

-a lot more shot guns
-more turrets(manned if i can find out how to do it)
-a big gun
-new components for guns
-a new gun crafting table
-some good skins for evry gun
-and last but not least balance(not sure if evreything is balanced right now)

Newest update

update:1.02:added the god bow and some textures for some guns hope you like them nexst update schotguns and a new auto turret


Evryone is allowed to use this mod in any way or form , except making direct copy's of the mod itself.

Exstra Help

i am not realy the best artistiek my self so if thare is maybe someone who wanne help me with this project just ask i am happy to get any help in this project,if you see any rong typing just say,I am not realy the best whit words.


Does the mod have a CZ Scorpion? And could you make incendiary and tracer rounds for guns?


Going to presume english isn't your first language, so i'll add corrections here for you  :)
evryone = everyone
idee = idea
discription = description
furst = first
sorie = sorry
exstra = extra
texsture's = texture's
evry = every
juse = use
exsept = except
maby = maybe
artis = artist
whit = with

Hopefully this helps you :)


This game desperately needs more shotguns.

Spas-12 and Pancor Jackhammer please?

Also, some variety in the assault rifle and machine gun department wouldn't hurt either.

Famas, L85A2/A3, Ak 5 for assault rifles.

If you're comfortable with making turrets, manned 14,5mm KPV, 12,7mm M2HB and 12,7mm DShK emplacements would be great.


I believe that combat extended has a Famas and I want this mod to add things most gun mods don't. I think that could make it unique. Also everyone mistakes shotguns for not being good at long range.. In real life a Remington 870 can hit a target with birdshot pretty dead on from 40 yards so I would say correct the shotguns to be more accurate and then add some good ones and yeah we got some decent shotguns added.


Some starting ideas for shotguns can be a Remington 870, Spas as mentioned above and maybe a DP-12 for double shot action! The possibilities are endless!


Oke thanks for the gun idee's i Will start working on them as fast as i can, also thanks for the translation and word errors and you guest right i normaly dont speak english.I Will try to get a update out in maby 3 days sins i have to study a lot now for my examens programming so stay tuned (first texture is also almost done)


Quote from: megatech2795 on October 17, 2017, 03:07:34 PM
I want this mod to add things most gun mods don't.

That's why i asked for manned heavy machine guns.....i mean, i know of exactly 1 mod up to date that adds something like that. I miss the extended turrets mods.


Quote from: AlwaysBugged on October 17, 2017, 05:49:37 PM
That's why i asked for manned heavy machine guns.....i mean, i know of exactly 1 mod up to date that adds something like that. I miss the extended turrets mods.


Here ya go ..
[A17b]Rimsenal Security Pack
[A17] More Vanilla Turrets (v1.8.5 29/5/2017)
[A17b] Extended Turrets Mod --Alpha 17b Update--
[A17] eatKenny's Turret Collection : Tesla Turret & Naval Gun! [2017-06-01]
[A17] Brunayla's Security Co (5/25/17)

[A12] Manual Turrets (v1.0.0)--- got an A17 version of that one as well, but hell if I know where I found that ....

to lazy to find more ..
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


average weeb



A dual Minigun, for bigger shredding maybe? (With own propulsion due to weight)
Eat lead, walking pile of silver! (greedy Player)
I...I can't do it. Leave it alive, please!(inner soul)
It lives 200 years to end up as a jacket?!(realists mind)
If I would go to vacation in off-Earth, even fictional place, I'd choose Nibel.


Quote from: kubolek01 on October 18, 2017, 12:09:58 AM
A dual Minigun, for bigger shredding maybe? (With own propulsion due to weight)

sssssmokin ..

Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Eat lead, walking pile of silver! (greedy Player)
I...I can't do it. Leave it alive, please!(inner soul)
It lives 200 years to end up as a jacket?!(realists mind)
If I would go to vacation in off-Earth, even fictional place, I'd choose Nibel.


Quote from: SpaceDorf on October 17, 2017, 06:46:25 PM

Here ya go ..
[A17b]Rimsenal Security Pack
[A17] More Vanilla Turrets (v1.8.5 29/5/2017)
[A17b] Extended Turrets Mod --Alpha 17b Update--
[A17] eatKenny's Turret Collection : Tesla Turret & Naval Gun! [2017-06-01]
[A17] Brunayla's Security Co (5/25/17)

[A12] Manual Turrets (v1.0.0)--- got an A17 version of that one as well, but hell if I know where I found that ....

to lazy to find more ..

Well thanks. Now i'm questioning the reliability of the search function.