The map or world are not visible.

Started by CruelBanana, January 01, 2018, 12:16:00 PM

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So, I've got that issued, when if I try to load "world" on my colony, or I go to a specific local map when I formed caravan in my first session in a new colony, everything is covered in some sort of a grey-ish for, so it is impossible to see anything. A few observations: looks like it is a problem with saved games, because everything is fine if you didn't leave the game since you've started new game. If I load on the World tab (like if I have caravan going), the problem is present on a local map. But it only occurs when game is not paused, so I can see everything on speed  0. I don't have mods that somehow alter the world map (except faction discovery and faction control), and nothing that alters textures or landscapes. More than that, the roblem is present even without mods. I would really appreciate some help here, maybe someone had this problem.


I've seen problems like this reported several times, but all with modded games. I can't recall anyone reporting this problem with the vanilla game before, so my guess is that you might not be testing a true vanilla game due to some mod residue or the like.

So we need to check if this issue is present in a vanilla game after a fresh install. So to that end can you please can you try performing a clean reinstall, and then start a new vanilla game and check if the problem is still present. Save and load the game a few times to check, and/or do whatever usually triggers this issue. If the issue is still present in the vanilla game after this then please post your log file (as an attachment) taken from after the clean reinstall. Details on where to find your log file here:

Edit - And if you haven't already, please check that your GPU drivers are up-to-date (as well as please confirming this in your reply so that it can be ticked off the check list).

How to Perform a Clean Reinstall

1. Reset RimWorld's configuration data by deleting all the RimWorld configuration files. You'll find them in one of the following folders (depending on your operation system):

Windows        C:/Users/[username]/AppData/LocalLow/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/Config
C:/Users/[username]/AppData/LocalLow/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld by Ludeon Studios/Config
Note 1: the AppData folder may be hidden.
Note 2: the RimWorld folder within LocalLow may differ for various users, see this thread
MacUsers/[username]/library/Application Support/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/Config
Linux/home/[username]/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/Config

2. Uninstall the game and delete the game files.
-If you ARE on Steam:
  A: Unsubscribe from all mods in the Workshop.
  B: In Steam library, right-click RimWorld and select Uninstall.
  C: Shut down Steam.
  D: Delete this folder (if it's there): Steam\SteamApps\common\RimWorld
  E: Delete this folder (if it's there): Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\294100
  F: Restart your PC.

3. [Windows only] Download and run Delete_RimWorld_Registry_entries.reg (right click the link and use Save Target As) and double-click it to delete all registry entries related to RimWorld.

5. Open Steam, install RimWorld and play.

If the game still doesn't work then please repeat the above, inserting the following two steps.

4. Disable virus protection programs (they occasionally flag RimWorld as a virus and kill it, since it was downloaded from the Internet).

6. Remember to re-enable your virus protection.


Thanks for this suggestion, I appreciate it, but it would be to much pain in the ass to do for such a minor problem. Anyway, looks like I found an issue (for now, that is). The Psychology mod gave me object reference issue, and it did so even when disabled. Deleting it helped, at least for now. Should I update this topic, if the problem returns and I find out which another mod cause it, so someone with the same problemcould look into it?
Or will it be pointless?
By the way, thanks for advising to update my drivers, they really were outdated, though it wasn't the reason of the issue.


No worries, although obviously circle back around to this if down the road the annoyance level:ass pain ratio tilts further in the direction of annoyance :)

AFAIK deleting mods mid-game can cause some errors. Some might just be the "we're telling you about an error" variety that will spam your log but won't actually have an effect on your game. Whereas the other type will be the aforementioned plus "your game is now screwy" or "your game is now borked". So I'd keep a close eye on the log for a while to see if there's any errors being reported.

I've also moved this to mod bugs as that is the usual, and currently most likely cause of this issue (the thread title can probably stay as it is, since it's nicely descriptive of the problem. Although I will remove the / because they sometimes mess with the search function if there's no space between it and a word).