BodyPartDef Tags

Started by ilikegoodfood, February 01, 2018, 05:33:43 PM

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I am planning on creating a new body type for my new Monster Mash mod, which also needs some new bodyparts, but have a question about the Tags connected to the BodyPartDefs.

Tags like Eating Source, Talking Source and ManipulationLimbCore make enough sense to me, and it is fairly clear that I'll need them, but there are some others that may be optional, depending on the body parts, such as the Breathing Pathway, Eating Pathway and Talking Pathway.

Are these always needed, or are they only needed to connect the lungs and stomach to the head?
Would a creature without a neck still need them?

What is the minimum list of tags that the body-plan must contain in order to have all working options?
And if anyone knows, where are the tags defined or explained?

Thank you for the help.


If you look up the pawn capacities in XML (under PawnCapacityDefs), you'll see that each one has a classWorker associated with it. This is a C# class that determines how that capacity is calculated. The relevant tags are defined directly in the code worker.

The pathway tags appear to be optional in that if a creature has none of them, the code will simply return 100% efficiency for that part of the check. For each capacity, a pawn should have a CapacitySource tag (e.g. EatingSource, SightSource), except that Moving and Manipulation want a MovingLimbCore and ManipulationLimbCore respectively. Any other tags are not required.

The other tags that exist:
BloodPumping, Consciousness, Hearing, Metabolism, and Sight have nothing aside from Source.
Breathing, Eating, and Talking have Pathway, which is optional.
Manipulation and Moving have LimbSegments and LimbDigits, which are optional. LimbSegments are counted if they are connected to a LimbCore, and LimbDigits if they are children of a LimbCore.
BloodFiltration is odd - if you have a BloodFiltrationKidney, that and BloodFiltrationLiver are counted separately and multiplied together, and BloodFiltrationSource is ignored. If you don't, liver is ignored and Source controls.


While i had expected the Pathways to be optional, I am surprised that the organs are also optional.
That should be enough information for me to create the body parts, body and creature.

Thank you.