Some ideas for traits.

Started by Swarx, March 24, 2018, 05:10:45 PM

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Just few ideas for traits I've got.

Naturalist: NAME often finds beauty in their surroundings.
-Doesn't think of trees, bushes, etc. as unsightly.

Xenophobe: NAME does not get along with new people.
-Mood debuff when any new colonist joins or is recruited, and gets negative relations with them.

Partisan: NAME is always proud of his colony's accomplishments in battle.
-Mood bonus for repelling raids.

Thick-skinned: It's hard to get on NAME's nerves, as HE never takes insults to heart.
-No mood debuff for being slighted/insulted.

Open-minded: NAME is tolerant of individuals regardless of their appearances.
-No negative relationship to colonists with ugly, staggeringly ugly, creepy breathing, annoying voice, or disfigured traits.

Forgiving: NAME finds it hard to hold grudges. Over time, they will slowly begin to forgive their enemies.
-Slowly gains more positive relationship with rivals over time, which stops when they reach a relationship of 0 (neutral).

Cowardly: NAME does not like getting into violent confrontations, and may flee during combat.
-Has a chance of suffering a mental break that causes them to flee during combat encounters.

Vegetarian: NAME generally refuses to eat meals that contain animal products. If they are forced to, they will be very unhappy. They do enjoy eating meals made from fruits and vegetables more than other colonists, however.
-Receives a -20 mood debuff for eating animal products [Or, just meat. Not sure if it'd be difficult to exclude milk and eggs.] Receives a +3 mood bonus for eating simple meals made from vegetables/fruit.

Bugchaser: NAME, for some reason, actually enjoys the feeling of being sick. They are more than happy to laze around in bed all day.
-Receives a +10 mood bonus for being ill.
-Masochist has the same benefit since sicknesses cause pain.

Misanthrope: NAME hates other humans, regardless of the gender, race, or creed.
-Receives -20 relationship with everybody.

Chatterbox: NAME likes to talk a lot, but is rather dim, and incapable of deep discussions.
-Constant chitchat, no deep talks.

Litterbug: NAME is nearly incapable of picking up after themselves.
-Pawn ends up making a lot of trash/dirt wherever they go.

Small appetite: NAME generally doesn't need to eat a lot.
-Hunger bar fills more slowly.

Large appetite: NAME eats more ravenously than others.
-Hunger bar fills more quickly.
-Added with gourmand.

Unfussy: NAME will eat anything to survive. Maybe HE won't like it, but HE won't let it go to HIS head.
-No mood debuff for eating insect meat, nutrient paste meals, or raw food. Penalties for cannibalism are halved.

Entomophagy: NAME once tried insect meat, which is often reviled by others. But HE thought it was the meat of champions.
-Similar to cannibal, except mood bonuses are received from eating insect meat.

Bisexual: NAME is romantically attracted to people of both genders.
-Judging from the update, anybody can be bisexual as long as a gay pawn woos them.

-Blind colonists should not be affected by disfigured or ugly colonists.
-Deaf colonists should not be affected by annoying voices or creepy breathing.
-Masochists should dig the facial scars of other colonists.


Cool idea, but some traits are questionable.
1) Vegetarian is the one I hate the most. Those guys never gonna get full mood bonuses from fine/lavish meals. Player will be forced to make different types of meals specially for them, which is annoying. It can be good in colony that never heard about meat, but it can be VERY bad in hunter colony.
2) Small and large appetites are also questionable traits. Iam not a doctor or biologist, but Iam sure that every human being will have to consume a certain amount of food in order to do a certain amount of job. For example, your colonist with small appetite can be forced to do hauling all day every day, while colonist with large appetite will just sit and research. Not very realistic, right?
3) "Cowardly trait? Get out of my colony!"
Iam not sure in which direction pawn will flee after this mental break. If it's straight to the base, then it's not THAT bad, but random direction equals one dead colonist.
4) Bugchaser is too insignificant trait, don't you think? I mean, how often your colonists get sick? Also, masochists are already in the game. And since any disease causes a certain amount of pain, well, you know...
Anyway, +1 for your idea (and specially OTHER).

sick puppy

i like these a lot in general. some thougts of mine:

1) cowardly is essentially a pyro that specifically triggers in battles. not completely incapable of fighting, so a coward can still hunt for example, but other than that it's a useless modifier for a pawn im the eyes of most players. personally, i still play with pacifist pawns, but i am pretty sure not many others do.

2) vegetarian sounds good to me. but it depends a lot on food ai. if it has a similar way of working like ascetic now does, then everything should be ok. but if it is ignored in ai and your veggie pawn just constantly gets pissed, we better wait with implementing this or players will need to use janky workarounds like all-veggie bases, lotsa farming for milk and eggs or even not accepting veggies at all.

3) bugchaser just generally sounds a bit funny. but maybe that's just me. maybe make the effect say: gets +10 mood from not working. so whenever the pawn has time off, is sleeping (technically. but while asleep, mood doesnt change, so whatever), is laying in a hospital bed, waiting for caravan members and so on, the pawn can "chase bugs" and get thhe mood boost. that way the effect isnt so isolated. granted, you could try and "abuse" this trait by going to the rainforest with lotsa diseases and make just barely survive any disease (while saving medicine) and so on, but that seems like a stupid version of the trait to me. i mean, the pawn could also get mechanites, the sleep sickness and gut worms, those all take a long time, what are we gonna do then? also, technically chronic diseases like cirrhosis and catharr or whatever the ear infection thingie is are even permanent, what then?

4) misanthrope has already been commented on, but in my memory in the game it is called misandrist. isnt there a difference between the two? but then again, even if there was a difference between the two, they just sound too similar. better find a different name, like (extreme) loner. loners like to be alone afterall, dont they?

5) the appetite thing i see differently than in the first reply. i myself eat a whole lot, like as much as people that actually work out and wanna het buff from bodybuilding, am thin like few other people, almost as if i was anorexic (and no i am not bullimic) and at the same time i barely move in my life and never work out. i dont work very hard, dont have any tiring hobbies and live in a warm region, so it's not like i'd use the energy to heat up my body. many members of my family are like this, actually, but i am the only thin and lazy one. everyone else either works hard, works out, or just looks totally average anyway.
what i am trying to say is that there are people out there that JUST eat way more than others (heck my family is well known to eat more than other people. noone ever  wants to invite us, we have to invite others instead because people bate cooking for us xD) and also i have heard of chubby people that eat very little. i don't know if that is just something chubby people say like "i am not fat i just have heavy bones" or "this isnt fat, this is pure muscle i just dont flex for you cuz i aunt gay"

6) the whole sexuality thing is too annoying for me to be honest. gay in the current game essentially means asexual because the probability of you recruiting another well skilled gay pawn of the same sex and right age is almost 0.
i have read articles on how rimworld is super patriarchic because male non-gay pawns are always heterosexual while female non-gay pawns are always bisexual. i guess rimworld needs a general overhaul in this part anyway, but implementing bisexuality should definitely be a thing, especially because in real life i know like 5 times more bi people than gays. i dont know if this is legit or if real statistics would contradict me here, but from a gameplay point of view bisexuality is more interesting than homosexuality or even asexuality as something happening will always trump nothing happening (bi pawns getting into a relationship vs gays and asexuals not doing shit with their lives, no offence)
besides all this, character traits should just not be sexual orientation. maybe that's just me but if you read a lot of books or watch movies, especially with older movies and books but also current ones (just generally lower quality to be honest) you will notice that there are common characters in a group of people in stories. there often is a really book-smart person or a different tricky person/street smart person, there often is a really strong person or just generally fit person that does well at sports, then there are charismatic characters and so on as so forth. and after all these there are always like one of these non-characters: a black (or just generally a minority) character and a gay person. these arent character traits. being gay rarely if ever has an influence on anything going on in the story. being black outside of horror movies doesnt mean shit either. they are just token black people or token gays, while gays are usually in comedies because being gay is supposed to be i herently funny and blacks are in horror movies so that they can get killed off first (but also because they are non-characters.

concretely what i am saying translated to rimworld is this:
a good starting bunch of pawns looks like this (if you look only at their traits):
- a smart, but nervous wreck-pyromaniac
- a (mentally) cool, but slow worker and walker
- a beautiful psychopath jogger
did you notice? i didnt say anything about their sex or sexual orientation or "race". now add to this the skills and back stories and you have great, well rounded characters.
now to the bad examples:
- the gay tribal guy
- the manhating heterosexual woman
- the asexual spacer woman with long, blonde hair
these arent characters, these are more like descriptions and i am pretty sure if anybody found these non-characters interesting, it's because you would wanna know more of them because you dont know anything of them. the characters from the good example maybe wouldnt make you feel that way because you already know quite a bit of them.

sorry i went on a totally tangential rant. all i want is sexuality defined outside of character traits and the implementation of bisexuality if for nothing else, then just for gameplay reasons. i couldnt care less about asexuality because as said, it is usually the same as homosexuality in the game.

7) your "other" points are completely correct and should be implemented as bug fixes instead of new features. this shouldve happened long ago

sorry for long post, sorry for rant, i just like character creation in and outside the game a lot. it is actually the second thing i check whenever raiders arrive, right after their arms and armor. two good traits to me at least can offset a really badly skilled pawn. not even even talking about three good traits...

ps: when do pawns get 1, when 2 and when 3 traits? i cant seem to find a system that is consistent...

pps: at this point i wanted to express my interest for a guaranteed 3 traits per pawn with option for a 4th in cases of pyromaniac backstories and so on.

Call me Arty

 Huh. Following-up that wall of text, I like them. They're insignificant in a good way. Too many traits are deal breakers or game-changers. Meanwhile, chatterbox reminds me of the amount of resources I wasted on hallways trying to find the most efficient way let pawns walk from a room, to a food source, to a work station and back again in as little time as possible. Is it going to change much? Probably not. Is it neat? Yeah. Especially bugchaser, I have no idea why I'm so attached to that one, but I am and I want it.

Good ideas overall, hope they get added.
Why are you focusing on having a personal life rather than updating a mod that you're not paid to work on?

If there's a mistake in my post, please message me so I can fix it!


Veteran: +shooting and melee, better mental break threshold but will randomly have psychotic wandering due to PTSD or something (Will only appear with appropriate backgrounds)
Mute: No social
Lucky: can sometime survive what would otherwise be a fatal injury
Lead belly: Very very low chance of food poisoning, is ok with eating raw food/meat ( not human)
Stoic: 50% off of all mood debuffs, but 25% lower mental break thresh
(Can't think of name): food bar drains 20% slower then others
(Can't think of GOOD name): Much higher chance of taming/training animals but no social
Hyperactive: Has problems paying attention to task. will randomly switch tasks. Priorities do not affect the random task chosen. (EG will switch from Tailoring to Cleaning before the thing is done)

(Sorry for bad grammer)

Call me Arty

Quote from: Hjack9090 on March 28, 2018, 05:23:57 PM
Veteran: +shooting and melee, better mental break threshold but will randomly have psychotic wandering due to PTSD or something (Will only appear with appropriate backgrounds)
Mute: No social
Lucky: can sometime survive what would otherwise be a fatal injury
Lead belly: Very very low chance of food poisoning, is ok with eating raw food/meat ( not human)
Stoic: 50% off of all mood debuffs, but 25% lower mental break thresh
(Can't think of name): food bar drains 20% slower then others
(Can't think of GOOD name): Much higher chance of taming/training animals but no social
Hyperactive: Has problems paying attention to task. will randomly switch tasks. Priorities do not affect the random task chosen. (EG will switch from Tailoring to Cleaning before the thing is done)

Lots of those just sound like backstories. There are a couple that are already veterans with boosts to combat skills, so PTSD could just be a trait by itself. Some backstories are mute or took vows of silence  already (Mute), so we don't need double-mutes or people who would have no reason to be mute to be, Ascetic already has half of lead-belly covered, the rest is covered by having a clean kitchen. The original post features a slower food drain, more backstories have someone who like animals to the point were they kinda left society, so a +4 or so to animals already boosts taming chance.
Why are you focusing on having a personal life rather than updating a mod that you're not paid to work on?

If there's a mistake in my post, please message me so I can fix it!

sick puppy

Quote from: Hjack9090 on March 28, 2018, 05:23:57 PM
Hyperactive: Has problems paying attention to task. will randomly switch tasks. Priorities do not affect the random task chosen. (EG will switch from Tailoring to Cleaning before the thing is done)
maybe if the pawn would choose a different task to do randomly that is nearby? like if you have dirt next to the tailoring table, the pawn will randomly start cleaning that dirt and then continue doing it. the pawn will not do stuff that he isnt able to or isnt allowed to. (pawns incapable of hauling wont haul and pawns that arent assigned to doctoring wont suddenly start attaching bionics.
a downside of this in the current game is that pawns already have a tendency of doing that anyway, so maybe first fix it before you make a trait for it.

other than that i completely agree with arty


I actually love all of these, they're quite simplistic, I have to agree with most though that vegetarians would be harder to please but I like it, it makes it more difficult and realistic.



You don't seem to understand the nature of my comment. Vegetarians would be harder to make food for because typical diets are meat and veggies, so certain food tabs would have to be set up to make meals that are vegetarian, meaning early game, where the only thing you'll have to eat is berries and meat will be harder to cater for the vegetarian diets when you're waiting for crops to grow. I'm not saying it's bad, you're just taking it out of context. Please consider what you're saying next time.



I love all of these OP.  If I might build on a couple of your ideas.

Hoarder loves to haul, and does it much faster than everyone but only if Hoarder is carrying things to his "room".  Hoarder is perfectly content having his bed in the middle of a stockpile.

Cowardly:  also resistant to entering dark rooms.  May flee to light a room if the lights go out.  May huddle in a corner if no light.

and three of my own:
Hero:  will break up battles among colonists.  Will not eat if another colonist is starving, will try and catch and extinguish colonists or animals on fire, members get positive points if hero talks to them. 

ADHD:  When assigned to a prioritized task, will drop it without prioritization being cleared. May break draft.  If engaged in a passion, chance of becoming hyperfocused, not quitting until done and with a higher chance of superior quality.  Negative mood buffs related to deaths and bad experiences go away faster.

Mentor: When mentor is selected and you click on another colonist, you can mentor them on your passions.  The mentored colonist can gain these passions over time and also learns the task much faster.

Call me Arty

Quote from: Bughunter99 on April 14, 2018, 12:31:25 PM
I love all of these OP.  If I might build on a couple of your ideas.

Hoarder loves to haul, and does it much faster than everyone but only if Hoarder is carrying things to his "room".  Hoarder is perfectly content having his bed in the middle of a stockpile.

Cowardly:  also resistant to entering dark rooms.  May flee to light a room if the lights go out.  May huddle in a corner if no light.

and three of my own:
Hero:  will break up battles among colonists.  Will not eat if another colonist is starving, will try and catch and extinguish colonists or animals on fire, members get positive points if hero talks to them.

ADHD:  When assigned to a prioritized task, will drop it without prioritization being cleared. May break draft.  If engaged in a passion, chance of becoming hyperfocused, not quitting until done and with a higher chance of superior quality.  Negative mood buffs related to deaths and bad experiences go away faster.

Mentor: When mentor is selected and you click on another colonist, you can mentor them on your passions.  The mentored colonist can gain these passions over time and also learns the task much faster.

I like your hoarder suggestion, reminds me of how ascetics are weird, but they just kinda make things easier by making their rooms simpler. I can't tell whether I prefer your suggestion or the origional. Also, Hero as a perk sounds neat, though I think noble or peacemaker as a better name for it. Hero makes me think Superman.

I think your addition to cowardly is a bit too much, and would put it on par with pyromaniac for "get this guy out of colony" status. It might be better as its own trait, like nyctophobia. Additionally, ADHD sounds pretty good, but I think the "chance to break draft" should be cut, as it's already there in the existing cowardly perk from OP's post. The idea that they'd become hyperfocused sounds pretty neat, though. I like the idea that you'd get a better chance at a quality item (better than "normal" might be more balanced) at the cost of potential sleep deprivation or starvation. Losing thoughts faster would be interesting as well.

Mentor, in addition to sounding awfully powerful, sounds a bit too extreme for a trait, as makes more sense as something else, like a job along the lines of construction or researching.
Why are you focusing on having a personal life rather than updating a mod that you're not paid to work on?

If there's a mistake in my post, please message me so I can fix it!

Call me Arty

 Just got a new mod that makes infestations way tougher. This translates to way more bugs. This may have influenced my new suggestion for a trait.

Mystery Meat Gourmet/Specialist
[Name] didn't always have choice cuts at their disposal. Rather than starve, they learned to get creative.

The human/insect meat debuff doesn't apply to meals made by the pawn with this trait (with the logic that they can cook it in a way that it no longer tastes/resembles what it did beforehand). I feel it's situational enough to not be overpowered while giving the person with the trait the ability to give the colony a creative niche, plus it can fit onto way more backstories than some traits (annoying voice on the mute backstory, for example).
Why are you focusing on having a personal life rather than updating a mod that you're not paid to work on?

If there's a mistake in my post, please message me so I can fix it!


Must have rapist as a trait... w/out a doubt.

Rapist:  NAME succumbs to the lust for pleasure- regardless if the person(s) involved are willing.  Will often cause extreme turmoil among the parties involved if in a current relation ship with other(s), generally resulting in a heat of passion murder scene.