[B18] Yorkshire Terrors - CE Patch Included

Started by Serpyderpy, May 10, 2018, 11:29:35 PM

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"A large behemoth of a dog derived from crossbreeding yorkshire terriers with wargs. They are loyal, strong, and have been known to protect their owners to the bitter end."

A wee mod I made during a break. Yorkshire terriers suck and literally no one is happy when they pop out of those landing pods. As I'm from Yorkshire myself, I thought it was only right I try to correct the ratty little things my county brought into existence. Please bear in mind this mod is not an add-on but rather OVERWRITES vanilla yorkies, so if for some reason you're fond of your tiny rats, do not install this mod.

Yorkshire terrors are similar to wargs in many aspects, except they cannot handle the cold as much as their wargen ancestors can. They are predators and will hunt on their own if not given food directly, and have been seen hunting deer, ibex, boar and even smaller animals. Unlike wargs, they are not restricted to solely eating corpses and kibble (who even thought that was a good idea) and will eat meals, animal products like milk and eggs, and even nutrient paste!

I think this mod is safe to install mid-game, as it doesn't change any defs, body types or anything drastically different to the base canine, only labels, descriptions and their combat capabilities. They do not spawn in the wild, but you can acquire them from traders.

Combat Extended patch included. If you do not have CE, please delete the patch folder. Also tell me if it doesn't work because I've never even touched CE before in my life lmao.

Have fun, and maybe let me know what you think!


Obligatory in-game pic


Yorkshire dogs in this game are as good as a chain shotgu-
(sees this mod)
-... :-X
I'll shoot your colonists...After a long nap.


Had a brain fart and forgot to change the health scale, they should be more akin to wargs now in combat. Link should still be the same, sorry about that!


I love, it. I need to replace those terrible yelpy rat things.


This is both hilarious and amazing. Yes, Yorkies in Rimworld are useless save as a food source that upsets bonded colonists, but this is brilliant.
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