Chemical interest/ fascination rework

Started by Greep, August 08, 2018, 07:57:54 PM

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These two traits have been changed a few times slightly and remain in the bottom 2 or 3 traits, usually resulting in people just banishing/killing/etc these guys.

I think a neat way to balance this would be to turn it around into an awkward buff similar to transhumanism.


Chemical interest
-Caps all drug tolerance at 30
-Mood debuff if not addicted to a drug
-Mood buff if addicted to at least 2 substances

Chemical fascination
-Removes all drug tolerance and long term side effects
-Mood debuff whenever not high.
-Very large debuff (-40) if not addicted to at least 2 substances (flake/yayo can offset this until they get the addictions)

Edit: blugh.  That would make raiders go insane.  Maybe just start with them addicted to 2 drugs as well in pawn creation.
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


Why cap drug tolerance? Liking drugs doesn't make you magically immune to them. If anything they'd be more vulnerable to building up tolerance since that's what drives addicts to a harder fix. They also would probably benefit more from the mood boost so a hardass might take yayo and be terrified while a druggie might be on cloud 9.

If anything the whole addiction system could use some tweaking. The worst part of breaking an addiction is flushing the drug out of your system. If your tolerance reaches 0, it's flushed out of your system! The arbitrary 30 days of your colonist being absolutely useless is kind of dumb and that's why no one picks up druggies in the first place.

There has to be good things to go with the bad or it's all trash.


Well the only alternative really is removal of chemical fascination/interest, and this adds at least a fun way to just experiment with drugs.  Just buffing drug effects while keeping tolerance still makes them a dead pawn after a very short while.

It's not realistic, but neither are half the traits.
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


There are plenty of things that chemical interest a broken trait right now. The biggest issue is the mandatory drug binges may as well be called vegetable suicide binges. It only takes 2 hard doses to down a colonist but the binge will send them to take 3 or more and it's basically a death sentence. There aren't any other traits that make your pawns automatically die so any pawn with chemical interest goes straight into the trash.