[1.0] Raid Size Limiter: No more humongous raids!

Started by Greep, July 22, 2018, 11:33:16 PM

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Raid Size Limiter

(image shamelessly ripped from syrchallis without permission)

Have mods that wildly inflate your wealth?
Don't like Tynan's vision of infinitely ramping up raids?
Just a wimp?

Then download raid size limiter now! (v3 is the newest version)

v2, the first attachment, simply caps your raid points at 1600, and you can change that value, and only that value, in the xml def.

In v3, all of the xml values work  It is a teensy bit less stable if 1.0 updates as it completely replaces the raid function.  Here's what they do (To change them, open the folder, then defs, and edit settings:

-CapByDifficultySettings: Leave this on "YES" if you want my raid system to pick a value based off your storyteller's difficulty

-CapByDifficultySettingsMultiplier: Change this number to the base value multiplied by your difficulty.  At 4000, the starting multiplier, this means on rough you will end up with 4000 raid point cap, on medium a cap of 2500 or so.

-RaidCap: If you just want to set it manually, change -1 to a number.  1600 is what v2 uses.

-RaidPointsMultiplier:  This is not a cap, but just a straight multiplier on top of your difficulty.  Maybe you want Rough, but slightly less rough?  In that case you can choose rough with your storyteller and choose 0.9 here for example.  Or maybe you want extreme's other effects but not it's raid sizes?  Choose extreme and 0.5 here.

-RaidCapPointsPerColonist: Does what it says.  Change from -1 to a number you want if you want to use this and your raid cap will be based off your number of colonists.  If you have 25 colonists and you set this to 10, your raids will be capped at 2500.

-Colonist Multiplier:  The base game adds points for every colonist you recruit.  Maybe you don't want that!  Change from 1 to 0 and colonists have no impact on raid points.  Or choose some positive multiplier for it to work the way you want.

-Combat animal Multiplier: Same

-Wealth multiplier: Same.  but be careful of tweaking this too much as most of your points come from wealth.

SoftCaps and adaptation probably shouldn't be touched unless you like math ;)

Soft caps basically have a soft cap at a certain raid value rather than completely cutting it off
-SoftCapBeginTapering:  Change this from -1 to a raid point amount to start considerably slowing raid points rather than capping them at this value
-SofSoftCapExponent: this is the exponent that will be used if you use this. 
Example: with 2000 and 0.9, if you had 3000 raid points, it would instead give 2000 + 1000^.9 points

Adaptation tags change the in game ramping up.  The game basically punishes you for flawless victories, these can soften (or worsen, but whyyyy?) that effect.  The cap you're changing is the multiplier on raid points from adaptation.
-AdaptationCap: I default this to being on.  This caps the adaptation so you're never getting raids 50% higher than you otherwise would have.  Change it to -1 to let the game do what it does normally, change it to 1 to completely get rid of adaptation altogether.
AdaptationSoftcap/exponent.  These work just like the raidsoftcaps only for adaptation.  These really aren't useful.  I don't know why I added them lol, since the game already massively slows down adaptation after a point.  If you want to use it knock yourself out.

Debug set to anything but YES will shut up the log warnings but you probably want them.

The Logger should give warning logs for every active setting except some of the per item multipliers using a "before" and "after" so you can see how your tags effect the overall raid points.

Just unzip into mods folder.  This should work on existing saves just fine, but I haven't modded in a while so who knows.  As this is only semi-release and kind of a WIP, no steam version will be uploaded for a while.

[attachment deleted due to age]
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


*Raises hand timidly.*  Hi, I'm Annie and I'm a wimp.  I'll definitely give this a try, thanks.  I'll be loading into a saved game, I'll let you know if any problems come up, though it might not be till next weekend because of work.  Whatever happens, thanks for making a mod that perfect for a wimp like me.


Thanks :D  Might actually update this before the weekend lol.  So check back then.  Or maybe I'll get lazy  8)
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


Hey Greep,

Just so you know, I've updated Combat Readiness Check for 1.0 and (like it has in previous versions) it does bring raids down to a more reasonable size and it has configs and stuff. Not saying that you shouldn't make this mod, just that you could maybe save yourself some work. :)


Yeah that's cool, I'm just messing around while I get back into modding before I work on a bigger project.  If it turns out they end up basically the same I'll just delete this.  I'll check out your mod, but I I'm not sure it will end up quite the same as this one, as this is going to be somewhat sandboxy while yours has a specific goal in mind.

Edit:  Looking at your mod, it may even stack nicely with what I'm doing.
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"



It's fine =p using my image I mean.

That was quite a ridiculous raid... sure my wealth was incredibly inflated from RimFactory, but those were paperclips, nothing that gives me any advantage in combat. Facing 200+ Scythers just is pretty stupid, even with many well geared colonists. (I did not have a kill box).

I think this is fine along with Combat Readiness. It fills a different niche. Combat Readiness generally scales threats down to what you "really" have, while a raid size limiter is just a cap on the upper end.
For mod support visit the steam pages of my mods, Github or if necessary, write me a PM on Discord. Usually you will find the best help in #troubleshooting in the RimWorld discord.


This might be real damn nice, though mod options with a slider for said raid cap would make even more usful, so every player can scale it up to amount of pain he just can take without suffering through it instead of having fun.

Will be both trying it out and also watching it evolve for sure :D


Greep flails wildly at his keyboard.
Critical success! (1% chance)

The mod now comes with an xml settings file where you can set the raid cap.  All values in it are placeholders that do nothing EXCEPT RaidCap, which you can set to whatever you like.  Removing old mod and uploading new one.
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


Definitely going to be using this for as long as it is updated. Now I can have a decent base without having to have a huge amount of defenses to defend it just out of worry of a massive raid!!
I'll shoot your colonists...After a long nap.


Raid Limiter v3 is out!  It is now an additional attachment in the OP.  This version completely replaces the raid function in game and uses all of the xml values.

Note:  Without XML changes, this version has virtually no effect:  By default, the XML uses the capByDifficulty, with a mult of 4000 (so medium results in about 2500 cap), which eerily ended up being exactly the system Tynan ended up using in the latest 1.0 patches lol.  The only actual effect will be the adaptation cap, which basically will mean that a "winning streak" won't increase raids so much.

However, all of the other settings, including the custom RaidCap, also work, and I explain them in the OP.

Edit:  Hrm, actually adaptation cap is messed up to not do anything as I used days instead the multiplier.  Unless you survive 400,000 years are so  ::)  Totally safe to download v3 anyways as that setting just does nothing, and change it to 1.5 if you actually want it to cap adaptation realistically.


Edit: another slight bug with v3:  If you leave debug to YES, your first raid will be negligible bigger.  I overwrote the forced single pawn for testing purposes.  ::)

Next on the agenda is allowing the ability to prevent certain raid types from firing.  Don't like drop pods? When i finish with v4 you can stop them from happening!
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"



Well, that's awkward. I tried to download v3 and my security program freaked out and instantly removed it. I tried redownloading, it did it again. Is this happening for anyone else? Also is there anything I can do to fix it, or is it just a false positive and totally normal?


you download the file from the attachment ?
Then i would say it is a false positive.
Which file does your security delete ? The whole zip archive or just a specific file from it ?
And i suggest in such cases to use a second antivir tool. There are some web tools you can check files online.


Yes, from the attachment, I believe. I didn't think there was anywhere else to download it from on here. Security deletes "RaidLimiter.dll" from Assemblies.

Thank you, by the way. :)