Faster than Light

Started by Jharyl, August 17, 2018, 11:30:08 AM

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Hi Community,

i am new to modding in Rimworld but i have done some modding in other games.

I have an idea but rather then reading to all modding tutorials at first i would like to ask the experienced RW-Modders some questions if my idea is even possible:
- I have seen a mod where someone was able to save the colonybuild spaceship and use it as new start on a fresh map.
- Rimatomics gives new active gui windows and even ICBMS that fly and are shown as caravans on the worldmap.
- I like the game FTL

I think you know where this is heading. Do you think it is possible to use a colonybuild spaceship, put it on a new (space) map and do some encounters?

My thoughts: Are these ships like complete "objects" and can be placed somewhere on a map?
If so, it should be possible to build prefab Rogueships for Engagements. 
If so, it should be possible to land on other planets (just like caravans for trading).
If so, it should be possible to head back to the colony and land there.

I dont think it is possible to move these ships, so this would be more a standoff of two "buildings".

What do you think? Possible or not? Btw i like critics but please with reasons...


everything is possible, ever 1st person mode, 3d layers and multiplayer, issue is amount of work, you will need to pour into implementation and support of such modification.


Keep in mind, several people have tossed around FTL in modding rimworld, and I think someone might even have already done one version of it.  More than likely someone's already working on one now that we're closing in on 1.0.

e.g. I'd check in with what this guy has in mind for the future.
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"