[Mod] (Alpha 5D) Colonist Creation Mod v2.3c

Started by Argain, July 06, 2014, 07:36:10 PM

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There's an idea, Rimworld characters in love making babies that grow into scientist or whatever.


This is a great mod.

Must confess I didn't go through all of the comments but did go through a bunch and didn't see this mentioned.

Is there a possibility of "intercepting" the first three colonists generated and using their data as the start values for this, by a setting in the xml or a checkbox someplace?  If choosing to use 4 or 5 colonists then the last one or two would start as they are now (nothing).  If choosing to use 1 or 2 colonists, the 2nd and/or 3rd one would be ignored.

Keep up the great work!


Nice updates man, ill be releasing another smaller update to AIO soon, Ill be sure to gnab the latest version of this and stick it in there to.


Quote from: Argain on July 28, 2014, 07:29:40 AM
If you want 10 colonists, then you would need to set it to (Amount < 11) since 10 is still technically 'less than' eleven.

I said it does not work. I change it, start up the game, it's stuck at 5 no matter what value I set that to.


Quote from: SkittlesAreFalling on July 28, 2014, 02:41:14 PM
I said it does not work. I change it, start up the game, it's stuck at 5 no matter what value I set that to.

Works just fine (use the attached assembly), but you were right about it needing to be (Amount < 10).

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]


Quote from: Jerethi50 on July 28, 2014, 01:24:48 PM
Nice updates man, ill be releasing another smaller update to AIO soon, Ill be sure to gnab the latest version of this and stick it in there to.

Awesome! :) and thanks


Quote from: PilotBhav04 on July 28, 2014, 08:01:05 AM
There's an idea, Rimworld characters in love making babies that grow into scientist or whatever.

lol I was actually going to make a mod for that (http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=3794.0)... still might, after this one is finished and 100% functional.


Quote from: kutch on July 28, 2014, 11:05:50 AM
Is there a possibility of "intercepting" the first three colonists generated and using their data as the start values for this, by a setting in the xml or a checkbox someplace?

That would be quite easy to do, and I'm essentially doing that already... I'm just re-generating them (however many you're choosing to start with) in the background and they're the actual colonists you're using after hitting 'Continue' and all the information gets overwritten into them. Instead of basing the start values on their generated stats, I decided to leave it more open/flexible with a skill pool based on the average amount of skill points I was seeing allocated to the randomly generated pawns. If I was to use their starting values, then the 'skill pool' would initially be 0 and you possibly would not even get a total of 40 points distributed at the start due to the range of the random generation being something like 36-42. If enough people say they would prefer something like that, though, with being able to re-distribute stuff freely then I'll go ahead and do it ;) I can see the appeal of wanting to be lazier about it lol

Edit: I was completely overlooking that it was a request for it to be optional, so yeah I'll whip that up real quick and post an update.


Quote from: Argain on July 28, 2014, 04:31:38 PM
Works just fine (use the attached assembly), but you were right about it needing to be (Amount < 10).

Thanks, I'm an idiot and didn't know you had to compile the scripts xD
Could you run me through the steps on compiling, seem to be running into errors... http://prntscr.com/47aql6
I'm using MonoDevelop for Windows 7 64-bit.


Alright, Kutch... your wish has been granted in v2.1 and you can now find this in the BaseMapGenerators.xml:
<!-- Hardcoded, the colonists themselves and their equipment -->
<li Class="ColonistCreationMod.Genstep_ColonistCreationMod">

Change 'false' to 'true' and you'll get what you requested, but fair warning: not everything will align perfectly (i.e. only 1 major passion and 1 minor passion are detected) and it won't be the pawns from the core creation menu, since they still needed to be regenerated before I could start pulling information from them.


Quote from: SkittlesAreFalling on July 28, 2014, 04:58:53 PM
Could you run me through the steps on compiling, seem to be running into errors... http://prntscr.com/47aql6

1) Click 'New Solution' in the upper-left corner
2) Click 'C#' in the left menu of the window that pops up
3) Select Library and give it a name
4) Right-click 'MyClass.cs' -> Remove -> Delete
5) Right-click the solution (one above 'References') -> Add -> Add Files
6) Navigate to the 'Source' folder in 'Colonist Creation Mod'
7) Select all the Source files -> Open -> Choose 'Copy' in the window that pops up
8.) Right-click 'References' -> 'Edit References...'
9) Navigate to the 'Managed' folder for RimWorld in the window that pops up
10) Add 'Assembly-CSharp.dll' and 'UnityEngine.dll' as References
11) Select the 'All' tab
12) Find 'System.Xml' and click the checkbox next to it
13) OK
14) Click 'Project' on the menu bar -> '[Your Project Name] Options'
15) Click 'General' on the left side of the window that pops up
16) Change Target Framework to 'Mono / .NET 3.5' (<- what your assembly was probably missing)
17) OK
18) Click 'Build' on the menu bar -> 'Build All'
19) Open your 'Documents' folder and go into 'Projects'
20) '[Your Project Name]' -> '[Your Project Name]' -> 'bin' -> 'Debug'
21) Copy the [Your Project Name].dll file and replace the assembly in Colonist Creation Mod with it
22) Open the BaseMapGenerators.xml file in Colonist Creation Mod\Defs\MapGeneratorDefs\ with notepad or something
23) Find this: '<li Class="ColonistCreationMod.Genstep_ColonistCreationMod">' near the bottom and change 'ColonistCreationMod' to the name of your new assembly


Quote from: Argain on July 28, 2014, 08:11:06 PM
1) Click 'New Solution' in the upper-left corner
2) Click 'C#' in the left menu of the window that pops up
3) Select Library and give it a name
4) Right-click 'MyClass.cs' -> Remove -> Delete
5) Right-click the solution (one above 'References') -> Add -> Add Files
6) Navigate to the 'Source' folder in 'Colonist Creation Mod'
7) Select all the Source files -> Open -> Choose 'Copy' in the window that pops up
8.) Right-click 'References' -> 'Edit References...'
9) Navigate to the 'Managed' folder for RimWorld in the window that pops up
10) Add 'Assembly-CSharp.dll' and 'UnityEngine.dll' as References
11) Select the 'All' tab
12) Find 'System.Xml' and click the checkbox next to it
13) OK
14) Click 'Project' on the menu bar -> '[Your Project Name] Options'
15) Click 'General' on the left side of the window that pops up
16) Change Target Framework to 'Mono / .NET 3.5' (<- what your assembly was probably missing)
17) OK
18) Click 'Build' on the menu bar -> 'Build All'
19) Open your 'Documents' folder and go into 'Projects'
20) '[Your Project Name]' -> '[Your Project Name]' -> 'bin' -> 'Debug'
21) Copy the [Your Project Name].dll file and replace the assembly in Colonist Creation Mod with it
22) Open the BaseMapGenerators.xml file in Colonist Creation Mod\Defs\MapGeneratorDefs\ with notepad or something
23) Find this: '<li Class="ColonistCreationMod.Genstep_ColonistCreationMod">' near the bottom and change 'ColonistCreationMod' to the name of your new assembly

#16 was the reason, I had it set to Mono / NET 4.0, switching it got rid of the errors.

Thank you very much man.
255 colonist madness, bwuahaha!!! http://prntscr.com/47coi9
Rect DownPos = new Rect(80f, 55f, 40f, 40f);
if (Widgets.TextButton(DownPos, "<-".Translate()))
if (Amount > 1)
Amount = 255;

ShowAmount(new Rect(135f, 60f, 40f, 40f));

ShowAmount(new Rect(135f, 60f, 40f, 40f));

Rect UpPos = new Rect(160f, 55f, 40f, 40f);
if (Widgets.TextButton(UpPos, "->".Translate()))
if (Amount < 255)
Amount = 1;

ShowAmount(new Rect(135f, 60f, 40f, 40f));



Is anyone else having issues with 2.1? It gets to the screen where it lets me choose the number of colonists I want, but when I press accept it doesn't do anything.


Quote from: chaosgroupie on July 28, 2014, 11:13:58 PM
Is anyone else having issues with 2.1? It gets to the screen where it lets me choose the number of colonists I want, but when I press accept it doesn't do anything.

Never mind, it was the mapgen compatibility pack that was making it not work.